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Ninja Blade

If only ninjas practiced Seppuku...
Ninja Blade is the embodiment of all that is wrong with Japanese developers at the moment. It's a game born from the ideology that cinematic prowess is interchangeable with player interactivity, as if somebody sat down with a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4 and thought it would be a good idea to chop out all the game 'nonsense' so all that remained was a succession of boss fights and videos. Spruce this action up by adding endless QTE inputs to those videos and - blammo - that's Ninja Blade from start to finish.

Influences from key actions games are clear to see: Ninja Blade's stolen the Blades of Chaos and QTE boss finishes from God of War; the dodging and air combo mechanics from Devil May Cry; the 'outbreak of a horrific mutating disease in a major city' plot from, well, you name it; and the blocking, combat and general kinky theme from Ninja Gaiden. But even though bits and pieces have been pinched from today's better action games, Ninja Blade's closest cousin is laserdisc 'legend' Dragon's Lair.

And if you can remember back that far you'll recall one very, very stark fact: Dragon's Lair was just a little bit shite. Even in the 1980s, back when mullets were in fashion and Power Lords action figures were considered trendy, it was shite. And a massive 26 years on things haven't improved much.

The wealth of QTEs does, at least, make for some quite impressive spectacles. We can safely say that up until Ninja Blade we'd never battled a giant zombie snail on top on a Tokyo skyscraper; grabbed hold of a motorbike which it had vomited into the air; driven along a bus (yet another object it spat high into the sky) and thrown the bike into a freshly regurgitated petrol tanker. Nor had we ever hit a wrecking ball hard enough for it to spin 360; jumped on as it passed by; sliced the chain partway through the next revolution and smashed it down onto a giant tarantula. We've lived sheltered lives.

For the spectator the visual oomph is undeniable, but the payoff for those playing the game is mostly cancelled out by the QTE frustrations. Action seekers should stealthily sneak past this tripe and search for their ya-yas elsewhere.

Buy Ninja Blade: Play / Amazon

Xbox World 360 Magazine
// Overview
We originally had this down as Ninja Gaiden Lite. We were wrong. Tedious.
  It's Dragon's Lair...
  ... with rubbish added action
// Interactive
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Posted by Demoki
Bit harsh, I thought it was a fun demo
Posted by voodoo341
I quite enjoyed the demo. Guess i'll wait till its in the bargain bin for a fiver then. Shouldn't be too long.
Posted by StonecoldMC
Whoah, thats a low score.

I cant really see this one being a 500 post, 15 page Epic thread for some strange reason :wink: but no doubt we will get the 'real' answers from 'both sides'.

Mos Def have to keep an eye on other reviews coming in.

It does seem to be a Marmite kind of game.
Posted by funkymonkey18
Dragon's Lair was not shite for the time. It just wouldn't hold up today. Sure, it was a major coin guzzler, and looking at it now, there are some real irregularites in the animation, but it really drew the crowds and it was the first of its time. I still like having a play through to this day. Leave Dirk alone!
Posted by mfnick
Well I loved the demo & it got 7/10 at Eurogamer & 8/10 at Videogamer so im getting it still
Posted by Demoki
Yeah i am buying it as well. If you enjoyed the game why does someone else's view put you off it...
Posted by Vyvrtka
Well, the demo was fun and I thought Ninja Blade is a very over-the-top tongue-in-cheek hack & slash game in a proper B movie fashion that shouldn't be taken too seriously :D

I'll probably pick it up when it gets cheaper. There's too many games I want to buy now, so Ninja Blade will have to wait. :P
Posted by funkymonkey18
Ok, just downloaded the demo and I thought it was pretty cool. Standard fighting was run-of-the-mill, but the cinematics and boss encounters were great!
Posted by TezChi
I thought the demo was fun, though it wasnt perfect and had room for improvement.

3/10 is a ridiculous score though.
Posted by Black Mantis
I enjoyed the demo so I'll still pick it up on the cheap.
I can see why people would hate it though, there wasn't enough depth to the moves list which would be disappointing to those who love NG.
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