
Health Freedom Threats: Codex, FDA, Vaccinations, GMOs

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Important message from Dr. Laibow:

In order to protect health freedom we need to be well educated and active participants in our own well-being. To remain free, we must be people who are educated about the issues surrounding health freedom. The more educated we are about issues surrounding health freedom, the better we can defend our freedoms. Awake, aware individuals form our sure bulwark against today’s (and tomorrow’s threats) to our right to choose natural options for our health. The profiteers of disease are being exposed for what they are thanks to the Internet.

These threats will not disappear tomorrow, however. As more and more of us awaken to the cures of natural medicine, certain industries, especially the pharmaceutical industry, are poised to lose the global mass market in drugs and toxins (such as pesticides) upon which they are counting for massive incomes. You would not expect a dinosaur to expire without thrashing about a bit. This thrashing brings with it assaults on health freedom and personal choice. Codex Alimentarius is a perfect example. We must remain vigilant and watch out for the continuously thrashing tail!

The hundreds of millions of Americans who believe in natural health need to become active and informed to keep these options alive for ourselves and our children. I like thinking of us united as a bastion of committed and joyful defenders of health freedom. Committed? Yes. Joyful? Why not. Without joy, what use would it be? There is an exhilaration in doing what is right in the company of others who share your passion.

You can educate yourself with my recommended books and internet links. After all, the more educated we are, the less access to our freedoms will we give to the industries that profit from disease.

Together, we are strong. United, we are the future of America.

We… the People.

Yours in Health and Freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, M.D.
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation


The Natural Solutions Foundation attended several Codex meetings each year including the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rome/Geneva in alternating years), the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (Germany/Thailand), Codex Committee on Food Labeling (Ottawa), Working Group on Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods (Oslo/Accra), reporting via articles, blogs, radio interviews and press releases to interested supporters. During these meetings, held meetings with Codex Contact Points and Delegates from Bhutan, Uganda, India, Ghana, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Mali, Benin, Tanzania, South Africa, Jordan, Somalia, C'ote D'Ivoire, etc.

"Dr. Rima, Your commitment and dedication to the health of our nation and our rights to make choices is amazing. I look forward to working with you and getting the word out so people really understand that our lifestyle is under attack and we must come together as a people if we are to save ourselves and our children. I love what you are doing."

Sue Minneapolis MN


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Stop Codex Alimentarius and Protect Health Freedom!

Unless stated otherwise everything in this website is © 2008 by Natural Solutions Foundation.
The Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to protect and promote health freedom in the USA.

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