
Health Freedom Threats: Codex, FDA, Vaccinations, GMOs

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Founders of Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF)


Major General Albert (Bert) N. Stubblebine III (U.S. Army, Retired)

Bert StubblebineBert is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, class of 52) who enjoyed a distinguished 32 year career in the U.S. Army during which he commanded soldiers at every level. After his retirement he served as the VP for Intelligence Systems with BDM, a major defense contractor. He has taken this set of experiences and become involved in leading-edge medical research and development in collaboration with his wife Rima E. Laibow, M.D.

He is a long-term way-out-of-the-box thinker who redesigned the U.S. Army’s Intelligence architecture while serving as the Commanding General of the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center and helped to define the requirements of the U.S. Army for future conflict. The re-design earned his place in the Intelligence Hall of Fame.

Many of the innovations he develop helped the U.S. to conduct the First Gulf War effectively and swiftly with a very low casualty rate. He also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command (ERADCOM) and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).

Having defended his country for 32 years and having then worked for the remainder of his career to build better ways of being and becoming well, Bert is determined not to let the forces which are threatening American’s health freedoms prevail.

Click here to contact General Stubblebine.

Medical Director

Rima LaibowRima E. Laibow, M.D.Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right of Americans to choose their own health paths. She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 35 years by seeking the underlying cause of every illness and ailment and treating that root cause.

She believes in using nutrients and other natural options to find, define and treat the problems which underlie degenerative, chronic diseases and poor aging while supporting the immune and other crucial systems. She has enjoyed remarkable success with a wide assortment of cataclysmic problems.

Dr. Laibow is the President of the NeuroTherapy Certification Board, which she helped establish, in order to strengthen and develop the field of NeuroBioFeedback and bring it into wide-spread use as a powerful, non-toxic tool for modern medicine.

Because of Dr. Laibow’s awareness of the powerful natural, non-toxic options available to treat the underlying cause of disease she is focused on maintaining these choices for all Americans. Based on her understanding of the impact of poor nutrition and chemical/pesticide toxicity on the declining health of America, Dr. Laibow is determined to help Americans maintain the choices that allow them to protect themselves from disease and toxic harm.

Click here to contact Dr. Laibow. Make sure to read her Daily CODEX Update Blog for the latest on the campaign to protect America from CODEX.

Dr. Laibow’s Resume (PDF, requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader®)


The Natural Solutions Foundation lectured to lay and professional groups in the US and abroad and initiated the Health Freedom Rally series in cities like Dallas, Albuquerque and Tucson.

"I'm glad you told me about the Health Freedom Movement. After getting of the Fed, and the IRS, I see this as the next most important issue. It's working well when I tell people about it; most people get pretty concerned when I tell them they won't be able to shop at GNC anymore."

Anwiya, Detroit MI


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Stop Codex Alimentarius and Protect Health Freedom!

Unless stated otherwise everything in this website is © 2008 by Natural Solutions Foundation.
The Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to protect and promote health freedom in the USA.

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