
Health Freedom Threats: Codex, FDA, Vaccinations, GMOs

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History of Natural Solutions Foundation

The Natural Solutions Foundation was created to protect, promote and defend Health Freedom when Rima E. Laibow, M.D. and Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (U.S. Army, Ret.) took stock of the dismal state of health freedom in the United States domestically (e.g. privacy violations like HIPPA, attacks on DSHEA, witch hunts against advanced medical practitioners, stifled new medical technologies, “practice guidelines” designed to straight jacket doctors and force them into pharmaceutical models of treatment, etc.) and internationally (i.e., CODEX ALIMENTARIUS).

Letting Go of Medical Practice to Fight for Health Freedom

We looked at the current legislative climate and personnel and their stance on health and health freedom and then counted up the votes needed to push back the deadly incursions being made by CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and domestic health freedom threats. We felt that we had no moral and ethical choice but to close our medical practice of Advanced (pharmaceutical-free) Medicine to new patients so that we could tend to the body politic which was sick and suffering.

Focus: Education, Education, Education

We were used to treating patients who came to us in extremely grave condition and, by finding the basic, underlying issues and helping to correct them, watching those patients go from serious ill health to robust and glowing well-being. We felt that our combined strategic and tactical knowledge, along with our organizational and communication skills, dedication and medical expertise made us credible spokespersons and capable educators and motivators to help shift the balance from a seriously ill “health freedom patient” to a vigorous and robust one.

Mobilizing Power of the People

The Natural Solutions Foundation is predicated on the belief that people own this Republic of ours and that decisions that impact their very lives must be made through a democratic process in which their voices are heard and counted. That is the United States we believe in and that is the United States we are participating in. We do not warm to the prospect of a United States of America controlled and run (through lies) by huge multi-national corporations and deceptive special interests.

Thomas Jefferson understood that a free people needs education and the passion to remain free, which is not very different from what people need to remain healthy: education on how to protect and defend their health and the will to take the necessary steps to do so. Fighting for freedom and warding of tyranny is part of our American heritage. We see it as our duty to contribute to the vision of a truly vibrant America, and Natural Solutions Foundation and the campaign to protect America from CODEX is our way of contributing to our country.

Actively Working for Health Freedom for All Americans

Through media outreach (including harnessing the tremendous power of the Internet, as evidenced by this web site we have commissioned at great expense), speaking the truth as we see it and participatory democracy, we believe that we can take back our inalienable health freedoms from special interest groups, expand them, and participate in a United States where each of us is free to make the health choices we see fit to make. Some of us will continue to use conventional allopathic medicine because it makes sense to us, while others will use natural means toward wellness. Many of us will shift the balance back and forth toward more of one or the other at different times for different purposes. We must have that right. It is part of our American heritage.

We must continue to have the right to purchase clean, unadulterated food and high potency, varied food supplements and herbs which we are guaranteed under the current laws of these United States (see DSHEA). Clean, unadulterated foods are essential to health and longevity and we must have the right to access them. It is part of our American heritage.

So the Natural Solutions Foundation is, in essence, devoted to democracy in action to protect our well being, our right to that well being and the well being of our children and their children. They are part of our American heritage and future.


  • President: Major General Albert (Bert) N. Stubblebine III (U.S. Army, Retired)
    More information about General Stubblebine
  • Medical Director: Rima E. Laibow, M.D.
    More information about Rima E. Laibow, M.D.


The Natural Solutions Foundation lectured to lay and professional groups in the US and abroad and initiated the Health Freedom Rally series in cities like Dallas, Albuquerque and Tucson.

"I'm glad you told me about the Health Freedom Movement. After getting of the Fed, and the IRS, I see this as the next most important issue. It's working well when I tell people about it; most people get pretty concerned when I tell them they won't be able to shop at GNC anymore."

Anwiya, Detroit MI


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Stop Codex Alimentarius and Protect Health Freedom!

Unless stated otherwise everything in this website is © 2008 by Natural Solutions Foundation.
The Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to protect and promote health freedom in the USA.

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