
Health Freedom Threats: Codex, FDA, Vaccinations, GMOs

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Codex Crash Course

Codex Alimentarius was founded in 1962 by the UN to establish international free trade foods. It is jointly administered by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) through annual and regional meetings.

Codex sets advisory standards and guidelines which nations may adopt or modify. If they modify them without special protections, nations may be found guilty of setting up trade barriers by the World Trade Organization (WTO), and be assessed crippling financial penalties. If, on the other hand, countries deviate from Codex texts by creating a scientifically strong alternative guideline or standard, and pass enabling legislation (a process we refer to as "The Codex Two Step") they are free to deviate from Codex without being found guilty of creating barriers to trade. WTO has repeatedly refused to grant Codex a unique position as THE international food code, saying it is one of several such standards.

Codex decisions are, however, often perceived as inevitable by many developing nations which are not aware of the flexibility to protect the health of their people through the Two Step Process.

Codex' decisions are heavily influenced by the desires of multinational special interest groups who send representatives to sit on national committees and as NGO delegates. Because Codex is so heavily influenced by corporate interests, its decisions are, in our opinion, often helpful to corporate well-being but strikingly detrimental to human and einviromental health.

Codex pertains to every bite - and kind of - food traded internationally and allows high doses of pesticides, veterinary drugs, synthetic hormones, contaminants, artificial sweeteners, and other dangerous compounds and processes (like mandated irradiation of food) while it forbids health claims for food.

Natural Solutions Foundation has identified the Problem: Codex and its web of influences. We have generated the Reaction: hundreds of thousands of voting consumers contacting the FDA or Congress through our web site, demanding their rights. And we offer the Solution: the Natural Solutions Program, including our Codex 2 Step - how countries can opt out.

Government Watch

This is NSF's Government Watch page. First... the FDA. Don't turn your back! You can never tell what the FDA might do next... It is true, though, in response to your hundreds of thousands of complaints to the FDA early in '07 about their infamous anti-CAM (complementary and alternative "medicine") guidance, the bureaucrat who wrote the guidance told one interviewer, "I am not Darth Vadar..." -- we were so relieved! So we do really need to keep a watch on FDA, and Codex and the USDA, North American Union, etc., etc... Our esteemed Foundation President, Gen. Bert Stubblebine, asked me to keep up with this section of the website and I am happy to do so. We've decided to link this page to my blog as an easy way to update you, since the Vitamin Lawyer Health Freedom Blog keeps a watch on the actions of the various agencies that think they know more about your health needs than you... http://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com And of course, you can access Dr. Laibow's blog, which often covers her attendance at Codex and similar meetings, at: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php/index.php?page_id=219 Thanks for stopping by and checking our blogs! Second... Forced Drugging and Compulsory Vaccination. We know you consider forced drugging, especially when it involves children and vaccinations, to be as important an issue for us as the Codex issue. We've established a Yahoo!Group Forum to mobilize support to finally stop all compulsory vaccination. It's a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue. We will continue to inform the eAlert list of vaccination developments, but the Forum will coordinate netroots (that's Internet grassroots...) activities to protect our children... and all of us! Join here: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/no-forced-vaccination/join Yours for Health and Freedom, Ralph Fucetola JD NSF Trustee

Stop Compulsory Vaccination and Drugging!

Vaccination Exemption eBook

In early 2008 you will be able to download a State by State Vaccination Exemption Handbook with forms, information on your State's vaccine exemption policy and requirments for exemptions in your State. If you prefer a hard copy, you will be able to order that, too. You can use it to protect yourself and your family from the increasing threat of compulsory drugs and vaccinations.

If you make a tax deductible donation of a minimum of $150 before December 31, 2007 we will send you a coupon for free access to the electronic version of this indispensible guide to your health freedom. After that date, the cost of the eBook will be $75 and the hard copy will be $250."

Click here to join no-forced-vaccination
Click to join no-forced-vaccination

Natural Solutions Foundation Journal Watch

Coming soon.

Your Health Freedom Threats

Please write to us and tell us about your health freedom threats. Have an instructive story? Have a photo? Maybe even a Youtube video?

We're going to start collecting your stories and when we have enough we'll post them on a section of our website. Of course, we'll keep it strictly confidential and anonymous if that's what you'd like.


  • Here's a correspondence between a health freedom advocate and her Congressman, Chris Cannon. Once she sent her comment to ask him to oppose the dangerous and unwise "Mothers' Act" which mandates screening and possible medication for pregnant women and nursing or other new mothers with drugs that can be dangerous to the baby AND to the mother, she got a letter back from the Congressman. But she did not stop there. She wrote a well reasoned and cogent letter back to him telling him about her concerns... (More)
  • My Name is Camille Milke. I lost my daughter to suicide 30 days ago, she was the victim of suicide-causing anti-depressants... (More)
  • I was in NYC walking down Madison Avenue when I passed a building where there were several armed police who looked they were part of a swat team standing with machine guns on the sidewalk... (More)

Grassroots Center

Part 1 of Codex Home Presentation Training Video by June Trezza

You can view Part 2 on YouTube.

Help us raise $1,000,000 by the end of 2008!

The Natural Solutions Foundation has an ambitious program for 2008. Read about it here.

We need to bring the health freedom message to the mainstream. In order for this to happen, we need to raise a significant amount of money. $1M will get us started. 

Frankly speaking, we must have the money to pay for the staff and resources that we need to protect and keep our health freedoms. This IS a battle we can win with your help!

DONATE NOW  ::  Where Your Money Goes

Upcoming Health Freedom Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time. Please check back soon!

News & Announcements

ALERT: Organizations and individuals - please sign the November 25, 2007 Tiburon Declaration to signify your opposition to forced drugging and the mass compulsory vaccinations which occurred on November 17, 2007 at Maryland's Prince George's County Courthouse. See this emergency statement of health and freedom advocates.

Coming January 15, 2008: Vaccination Exemption eBook. Click the Compulsory Vaccination tab above for more information.

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Int'l Decade of Nutrition

IDNUsing nutrition to end World Hunger, Promote World Health. MORE.



Health Freedom Information

Codex DVD: $24.95

Codex eBook: $19.95



Stop Codex Alimentarius and Protect Health Freedom!

Unless stated otherwise everything in this website is © 2008 by Natural Solutions Foundation.
The Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to protect and promote health freedom in the USA.

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