
Health Freedom Threats: Codex, FDA, Vaccinations, GMOs

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The Natural Solutions Foundation’s Accomplishments for Health Freedom

The Mission of the Foundation is to discover, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions. Since its founding just a few short years ago in 2004, the Natural Solutions Foundation has pursued a vigorous program on many fronts, including natural solutions to significant social problems involving health and wellness. We consider health freedom to be part of those solutions. The threats to health and freedom are both domestic and international, as are the solutions. The Natural Solutions Foundation has:

  1. Established and continues to maintain an extensive Internet presence, including the Health Freedom eAlert, the largest email list in the health freedom movement, with several hundred thousand "Mouse Warriors" ready to send messages to Congress, the FDA and other agencies, "at the drop of a mouse…" - we communicate with this list with regular, informative eAlert emails and personal responses from Dr. Rima’s assistant Kathy. Our web site ranking has reached the top 30,000 US web sites.
  2. Commissioned Full Length, Made-for-TV Documentary Video on the Codex Agenda and Health Freedom. Working with Ecological Options Network, the prize winning documentary film makers and authors, we have entered into a collaborative project which includes a full length documentary on the Codex Agenda and its threat to world health.
  3. Initiated Health Freedom Video Library. In order to bring critically important information to the public sooner, rather than wait for the completion of the full lenght Codex documentary we have, with the collaborative input of Ecological Options Network, initiated a series of issue-focused reports on topics like compulsory drugging, vaccination dangers, pesticides, genetically modified foods, etc. for rapid dissemination of critical issues.
  4. Inaugurated the International Decade of Nutrition in September 2006 to use what we currently know about nutrition and agriculture to eliminate world hunger and preventable disease and to demonstrate the massive impact and effect of nutrition on personal and national physical and health and overall economic well-being all over the world. Using simple strategies we can eliminate world hunger and promote optimal world health and health-promoting nutritional strategies while avoiding World Trade Organization (WTO) trade sanctions and correcting the dangers Codex could have imposed. We are working with like-minded advocates of natural solutions in countries across the world, with branches of the Foundation established (or about to be established) in Panama, Thailand, several African and other countries.
  5. Initiated clean water programs using simple, non-toxic methods to eliminate water born disease, one of the major killers of children and the elderly around the world.
  6. Developed the "Codex Two Step Process", a protective legal mechanism by which any country can protect itself from any guideline promulgated by Codex without fear of World Trade Organization (WTO) sanctions and embodied that process in the seminal "Codex Two Step Book" and videos to provide critical information and increase self-funding.
  7. Initiated a legal challenge to the pro-big business, anti-health Codex policies of the United States called a Citizen’s Petition and submitted it to the US Codex Manager and the head of the FDA’s Office of Nutritional Products. Using our Constitutional Right to Petition for redress of ill, we are using US law to bring U.S. policy into compliance. Three U.S. Congressmen have written a joint letter endorsing our challenge to the US Codex Policy.
  8. Built the largest health freedom grass roots/ grass tops organization in the US and elsewhere with more than 200,000 supporters, utilizing our web sites, our YouTube channel and similar electronic means.
  9. Created effective internet and media tools, including the Codex e-Book, Codex Two Step book, "Nutricide: the DVD" (seen over 300,000 times on Google Video), videos explaining the Codex Two Step process to Codex delegates, briefing papers for members of Congress and delegates and other decision makers dealing with Codex. Publications like "What Does Codex Really Require?- a White Paper on Codex and the WTO" and model legislation to serve as guides for nations considering taking action via the protective Codex Two Step help international decision-makers to change their national policy toward protection and away from Codex vulnerability.
  10. Published dozens of articles on health freedom threats and public health hazards in the United States on the internet in the US and abroad in leading thought-shaping print and electronic publications. These are generally available on this website (www.healthfreedomusa.org).
  11. Initiated powerful public response/grass roots campaigns when health freedom threats arise in the US including health-hostile legislation, attacks on natural doctors’ licenses, dangerous and restrictive FDA guidance documents and policies which threaten natural health options and the wellness industry. Each of these public response grass roots campaigns has generated anywhere from 100,000 to nearly 600,000 email and fax actions within days to weeks.
  12. Created on-going Congressional education campaigns, meeting with Congressional staffers and Members monthly, resulting in the request from several congressional offices to provide legislative language and support of health freedom measures, anti-harmonization provisions, including the DSHEA products protective language in the 2007 FDA reauthorization law.
  13. Meet regularly with foreign Heads of State, Ministers of Health, National Codex Committee members, journalists and health freedom/consumer advocates to alert them to their options in dealing with the threat Codex represents to their food security and safety and educate them about the power and protection inherent in implementing the protective Codex Two Step Process.
  14. Briefed then President of India, Abdul Kalam, in a lengthy private meeting on the threat presented by Codex and advised him on protective action India should take. Passage of a protective food bill followed shortly after our meeting.
  15. Addressed the Indian Panchiat Congress, the gathering of the Indian organization which organizes and administers services for 950 million Indian Farmers. Speech, "Farmers Hold Up More than Half the Sky " is available on our website.
  16. Briefed the Codex staff of the Indian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Food Protection Industries, responsible for developing regulation of the Indian Food Safety and Standards Act (2006) and was asked to work with those organizations to develop the regulatory structure which will govern food and nutritional policies in India, the world’s second largest country.
  17. Attend several Codex meetings each year including the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rome/Geneva in alternating years), the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (Germany/Thailand), Codex Committee on Food Labeling (Ottawa), Working Group on Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods (Oslo/Accra), reporting via articles, blogs, radio interviews and press releases to interested supporters. During these meetings, held meetings with Codex Contact Points and Delegates from Bhutan, Uganda, India, Ghana, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Mali, Benin, Tanzania, South Africa, Jordan, Somalia, C’ote D’Ivoire, etc.
  18. Built a vigorous consortium of pro-health nations through visits to their countries and relationship-building with delegates at Codex meetings.
  19. Protected infants world-wide through our actions at the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 30-November 3, 2006 where we made our fluoride dossier available to pro-health consortium Codex member nations prior to and at the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for special Dietary Uses, Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 30-November 3, 2006. Largely because of our document, fluoride was banned as an added ingredient in infant formula for healthy babies.
  20. Received full tax-exempt status as an IRS tax exempt charity and recognition internationally as an NGO ("nongovernmental" organization). All donations to the Natural Solutions Foundation are tax deductible.
  21. Lectured to lay and professional groups in the US and abroad and initiated the Health Freedom Rally series in cities like Dallas, Albuquerque and Tucson.
  22. Received endorsements from both the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology and work closely with other progressive, natural healthcare community organizations such as Citizens for Health.
  23. Given numerous Internet and broadcast radio and other media interviews in the US and elsewhere on health freedom and Codex issues; issuing a series of www.prweb.com media releases that have been picked-up by hundreds of print and electronic media.
  24. Inaugurated Natural Solutions Foundation’s unique, all-organic, non-GMO, non-irradiated virtual store Organics4U - http://www.organics4u.org/- where consumers can purchase healthy products, receive a tax deduction and, at the same time, support health freedom.
  25. Established international and regional units of the Natural Solutions Foundation in India (Pondicherie, Deli, Chennai, Mangalore, etc.), Thailand and Africa.
  26. Appeared in a Codex-commissioned film shown at the beginning of the 2006 Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Chiang Mai, Thailand) stating "The Codex process eliminates the voices of
    dissident scientists" in this official document of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. We were the only health freedom activists who appeared in the film.
  27. Created numerous strong and productive links with activists in India, Thailand, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia and elsewhere.
  28. Been featured in full- and multi-page stories in major newspapers in Texas, Lagos, Nigeria, etc.
  29. Participated in the preparation and dissemination a pro-health position on the implementation of the World Health Organization Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Exercise and Health to health-friendly countries in preparation for the process of mandated implementation by Codex,
  30. Received the coveted Carlton Lee Award from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine at their annual meeting in Hilton Head, SC in October 2006.
  31. Hosted Internet radio show, FREE U.S./FREE US! - the Voice of Health Freedom(c). Guests have included world famous luminaries from medicine, law and the wellness industry.
  32. Addressed US Codex Office Public Hearings on Codex and Codex Committees.
  33. Addressed FDA hearing on Direct to Consumer (DTC) Advertising of drugs opposing the inappropriate use of psychiatric medications.
  34. Established active liaisons with other pro-wellness organizations and individuals around the world.
  35. Generated public attention for health freedom issues with a stream of successful press releases each of which has been picked up by large numbers of media outlets and YouTube or Google Video postings that have been seen by hundreds of thousands of supporters worldwide
  36. By educating decision makers through our Presidential Candidates Health Freedom Score Card, began the process of making health freedom and natural solutions an issue in the US elections.
  37. Initiated a national education drive to finally end all compulsory vaccination, establishing a very active forum and participating in the Tiburon Declaration against forced drugging, including vaccination. The No-Forced-Vaccination forum on Yahoo!Groups has nearly 500 participants can join at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/no-forced-vaccination/join.
  38. Established the Natural Solutions YouTube Channel where you can find links to such important videos as Nutricide, the Songhai Sustainable Community and the “short version” Codex 2 Step, http://youtube.com/naturalsolutions.
  39. Rallied the Coalition of Health Conscious Nations at the Codex GM (genetically modified)food labeling workgroup meeting in Africa, February 2008. A US delegation attempt to define GM foods as “generally recognized safe” was stopped, thereby allowing countries the freedom to have full disclosure of GM status to protect their populations from buying GM foods without fully informed consent. Very recently the Foundation established a Yahoo!Groups forum, Say NO to GMO. You can join here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/no-genetically-modified-foods/join
  40. On March 11, 2008 delivered to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) a Citizens Petition demanding truth in vaccination advertising and asserting that vaccination, an un-insurable risk, must never be mandated against the voluntary and fully informed consent of the individual or parent. See: Petition.

We are more than just words!


Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine, III (US Army, ret.), President
Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD. Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola JD, Counsel



Please support our efforts: Donate here.


The Natural Solutions Foundation created numerous strong and productive links with activists in India, Thailand, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia and elsewhere.

"Dr. Rima, Your commitment and dedication to the health of our nation and our rights to make choices is amazing. I look forward to working with you and getting the word out so people really understand that our lifestyle is under attack and we must come together as a people if we are to save ourselves and our children. I love what you are doing."

Sue Minneapolis MN


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Stop Codex Alimentarius and Protect Health Freedom!

Unless stated otherwise everything in this website is © 2008 by Natural Solutions Foundation.
The Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to protect and promote health freedom in the USA.

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