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Name: Lord Triceramon
He is the Guardian of the Tag of Earth and the first perfect Digimon that Taichi and Zero have to face. He has Deltamon + DarkTyranomon working for him. He does get defeated.
Name: Lord Marine (Marine Devimon)
He is the Guardian of the Tag of Sea and the 2nd perfect Digimon that Taichi and Zero have to face. He has Gesomon (Gegeso) + Octomon working for him. He nearly drowns Zero but ultimatly is defeated.
Name: Lord Vamdemon
He is the Guardian of the Tag of Spirit (Illusions) and the 3rd perfect Digimon that Taichi and Zero have to face. He has the power to control Digimon and proves that on Zero (and uses his Night Raid to steal his sight for a short while). This Vamdemon is more sadistic in the Manga than the Anime one *but hey vamde is vamde ^^* He has Bakemon, Candmon (Candlemon) and various slaves working for him until he is defeated.

Name: MetalGreymon + Skull Satamon
Zero has to fight MetalGreymon and then SkullSatamon to get the 4th Tag (Metal Empire). Zero does eventually win and the 4th Tag Gained

Names: Juriemon (Cherrymon), Deathmon (Jurie + Megadramon Jogress) + Megadramon (Cockatorimon + Kuwagamon Jogress)
These Mon are all to do with Neo and are all guardians of the final Tag, The Tag of Sky. It is during these battles that Zero Evolves to AeroV-dramon Zero. (Yes i do know Deathmon isn't a Perfect Level but they had to beat him to get the tag XD)