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Name: Arunkenimon (Arachnemon)
Stage: Perfect
Attack: Spirit Needle + Spider Thread
She has 2 forms and uses her hair to make control spires to Digimon. She was made by Oikawa/Myo and is deleted by MaloMyo
Name: Mummymon
Stage: Perfect
Attack: Snake Bandage
He has 2 forms. He loves Arukenimon and it's this that's gets him deleted by MaloMyo. He is also made by Oikawa/Myo
Name: Yukio Oikawa
Yukio accepted a proposition from Myo in return for his storing his data Myo would take him to the Digiworld. He is the cause of all the stuff in 02. He meets his own Digimon just before he dies. His best friend Hiroki died he was upset.
Name: BlackWarGreymon
Stage: Ultimate
Attack: Terror Destroyer, Black Tornado
He is made from 100 conrol spires he comes close to destoying the DD's and nearly the Digital World but he ends up saving Cody's grandfather from Oikawa/Myo. This is what gets him deleted he tries to help by sealing the Highton View Terrace Gate.
Name: Demon
Stage: Mega
Attack: Hells Inferno
Demon and his corps appear in a couple of episodes to try and get the Dark Spore out of Ken but he ends up getting locked in the Dark Ocean and his corps being deleted.
Name: MaloMyotismon (Belial Vamdemon)
Stage: Ultimate
Attack: Screaming Darkness, Crystal Illusion
He is the last (for now) reincarnation of Myo. He managed to survive long enough to go to Oikawa and get his data stored in him. It's Gato who realises who it is. He uses the Dark Blooms to come back in this form. It takes all the Digidestined Digivices to create a blast to defeat Malo.