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The 4 Holy Dragons

Goddramon (Goldramon) - Name meaing God Dragon. The only time i've known him to appear in Digimon is in V-Tamer
Holy Dramon (Magnadramon) - Her name meainging Holy Dragon. She is one of 2 Ultimate evolutions of Tailmon (Gatomon) and is seen in the 3rd Digimon Movie
Megidramon - His name is based on Megiddo is a hill named Bible and is to do with Armaggedon. I'd say the name fits right :p. He is seen in Tamers when Takato's anger gets the better of him
Qinglongmon (Azulongmon) - His name means Blue Dragon and is also a Digi God as well as 1 of 4 holy dragons. He is seen in Season 2 and in Tamers.