Why Is Beyonce’s Head Coming Apart?

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17 Responses to “Why Is Beyonce’s Head Coming Apart?”

It’s a mask! She is really 75.

Erica says:

Come on!! No real human is really as beautiful, talented, and classy as Beyonce’ seems. It’s now time for Beyonce’ to reveal her true Alien self and this is where they sealed her in to her human skin. (chuckle, chuckle) Bi-pedal, one-brained Earthlings!

Laurie says:

Not that I’m trying to defend Beyonce or anything, but when I first saw it, I thought, “Fire that hairdresser.” It looks like some really bad weave/wig glue thingy. Then again, it also looks like what happens when special effects people for the movies remove masks from the actors…so…I hope Beyonce looks like those white aliens from that one episode of “Are You Afraid of the Dark.” Does anyone remember that?? I think it was the episode called “The 13th Floor” or something.

servotron says:

This is SCREAMING for a photoshop. Just wait till the kids get home from school.

jenny says:

Yeah, I think it’s probably glue from a wig or hairpiece. Though I would feel so much better about not having her perfect skin if it was glue from a mask.

ERIEN says:

Well it might be one of those mask that clean her face and someone forgot to peel it,leaving her looking like she’s straining on the side of her face.

ipodjunkie144 says:

Probably a busted weave? But if not ill go with choice B.

synergy says:

I second the comment: fire that hairdresser!!!

weirdoactor says:

She’s actually Michael Richards in blackface.

PB says:

Her ego is growing faster than her head. Tragically, she will soon explode. : P

T says:

she’s a Klingon, duh!

Leslie says:

Since the hair around her hair line is really hers and most of her weave is in the back I’d have to say this is something to do with a mask (for cleansing) or an attempt to hide a flaw on her face gone terribly wrong.

brandy says:

i wouldn’t just fire the hair dresser id fire everyone how many people saw this and still let her take the stage? i imagine at least someone in her posse had to have seen that???

syb says:

her lacefront wig is too tight. GOD

London says:

She’s an alien.

Norm says:

Thta biatch was powned by Jennfer Hudson.

Reggie says:

Please quit hatin on the classiest and sexiest woman ALIVE! Everyone who believes that is STUPID!! That is the thing that celebrities wear around their head to conceal their hair line and they cover it up with make-up DUMMIES!!!

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