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Moderated By: Matthew Forum Index » » Music » » [17] Pop Stars: Shed Tears for their pain? or because of their music?
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Author Pop Stars: Shed Tears for their pain? or because of their music?
A comment on "Aguilera: Sick and Tired"

Joined: Apr 24, 2001
Posts: 1
From: Comptons
  Posted: 2001-04-24 16:09

After reading what Aguilera's mom said I still think that their biggest problem is sitting on a fat load of cash. I wouldn't have a problem dancing like a skank and getting paid for it. Hell, I wouldnt even have to write my own music! I'm going to go call that fat guy that starts all those boy bands.

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Joined: Apr 12, 2001
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From: Atlanta, GA
  Posted: 2001-04-24 16:38

Ha ha ha. It's true, but it's one of those things you have to trade to become famous. Aguilera probably goes through a lot of crap, but it's not like it's all charity or something...

I don't think anyone won on the prom story though. On one side you have Christina Aguilera who was actually really sick. On the other side there are a bunch of fed up kids because of a ruined night.

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Joined: Apr 10, 2001
Posts: 12
From: The Center of the Earth
  Posted: 2001-04-24 19:09

Although the instinctive response is to badmouth and view celebrities as being snobs, I think the Aguilera situation is a special one. I doubt that Christina, or any of today's pop stars for that matter, have any control over their careers. They probably spend most of their youth pushed around by managers and media who are trying to cash in on their popularity. But then again, if your celebrity is manufactured by a record company solely for cash, its up to you to realize the limits of your stardom and respond accoridngly.

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Joined: Apr 24, 2001
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From: Atlanta
  Posted: 2001-04-24 21:03

I want to say that I was a part of that prom where Christina let the me and my student body down. After hearing that she was seriously ill, I was totally amazed that she gave the performance that she did. We demand so much from artists that we often fail to recognize the human limits. This article makes me wonder what else an artist must endure to maintain their status.

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Joined: Apr 12, 2001
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From: Atlanta, GA
  Posted: 2001-04-25 01:33

True Caleb, but they're living their dreams out which is something that a lot of people never even get to do. I know it sounds kind of cheesy but still. Besides, if they really just cared about making good music then they wouldn't put out some of the CRAP just to keep their popularity and money flowing. They're getting paid to be a huge star, sing, and eat marmalade.

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Unregistered User
  Posted: 2001-05-29 14:59

Nonsense! People aren't THRUST into stardom. No one gets dragged KICKING AND SCREAMING into artistic success. All she has to do is refuse to perform for millions, refuse to sell so many albums, etc., etc. She WANTS the limelight, and she has to DEAL with the responsibilities and repercussions of that life.

Cry me no tears, millionairess.


Joined: Apr 09, 2001
Posts: 55
From: Atlanta, GA
  Posted: 2001-05-29 15:04

But look at what it takes to be a pop star. You have to start when you are just a toddler to get the right contacts, etc. Look at the old clips of Brittney Spears and the rest on Start Search at age 5 and 6. No 5 year old understands what it is like to be a media object. The only way these people make it into the limelight is if their parents force them before they could really make the decision themselves. Now I'm not saying C.A. should complain. I'm sure she is laughing all the way to the bank. But without an obsessive parent, these kids would never become teen stars. It's not really their choice.

Adam Geitgey staff

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Unregistered User
  Posted: 2001-06-04 20:52

I agree: no one gets dragged into stardom. Yes, Christina was sick. But would it have killed her manager to have made an announcement prior to her set at the prom? Celebrities for the most part, don't do the world a whole lot of good. They have more cash than any of us will ever see, but do they DO anything with it? Sorry, no sympathy from me. Stars such as Britney, Christina and others may have been forced into it by their parents, but who gave the parents the idea?


Joined: Apr 09, 2001
Posts: 55
From: Atlanta, GA
  Posted: 2001-06-05 01:28

Re-read the article but instead add "says the mom while sitting on a fat pile of cash" after everything the mother wrote. I think it puts things in the proper perspective. Heh.

Adam Geitgey staff

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Unregistered User
  Posted: 2001-06-06 16:31

Dude you're a fucking pussy. You shouldn't have sent an apology letter. It's Christina's own problem that she has to do the kind of work she does, and we the listener are paying for it. Regardless of how sick she was, she should see her fans. She's getting paid more in one year than most people make in a lifetime. So don't be a little pussy all your life.

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