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Digimon CCG Cards
-Table of Contents
-The Cards
-Winning the Game
  -Getting Started
-Order of Play
  1. Draw Phase
  2. Bring Online Phase
  3. Digivolve Phase
  4. Move Phase
  5. Attack Phase
  6. Discard Phase
-Deck Construction

The all-new Digimon Collectible Card Game lets you experience the Digital World like never before.

Battle your way to victory and digivolve to new levels of power! Harness your strengh, strategy, and courage and feel the power of the DigiDestined!

-The Cards
There are 4 card types used in the Digimon Collectible Card Game.

Digimon Cards are the characters that you and your opponent will use to battle one another:

A. Card Name.
B. Card Number.
C. Level (Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega). The Digimon levels determines how the Digimon Digivolve.
D. Group. The Digimon are categorized into diffrent groups.
E. Special Effect. Each Digimon has a special effect that can be used during a specific game phase. Unless otherwise stated, Digimon effects can only be used while the Digimon is in the Attack Row.
F. Digivolution. Describes the Digimon's unigue Digivolution.
G. Attack Number.
H. Defense Number.
I. Card Rarity.

DigiDestined Cards are used during an attack. They modify a Digimon's attack or defense.

A. Card Name.
B. Card Number.
C. Card Type.
D. Card Effect. The Card Effect will specify if the card modifies a Digimon's attack of defense.
E. Attack Number.
F. Defense Number.
G. Card Rarity.
Digivolve Cards are used during the Digivolve phase. They make it easier for players to achieve a Digivolve.

A. Card Name.
B. Card Number.
C. Card Function.
D. Card Effect.
E. Card Rarity.
These cards can be played during all phases of the game (the card will specify when it can be played).

A. Card Name.
B. Card Number.
C. Phase When Card Can Be Played.
D. Card Effect.
E. Card Rarity.


A. Attack Row. Digimon Cards are moved here when you want to attack. A maximum of 4 Digimon can be played in the attack row.
B. Digivolve Row. Digimon Cards can be digivolved in this row. A maximum of 4 Digimon can be played in the Digivolve Row.
C. Online. A player's shuffled deck is placed face down here. Cards drawn into a player's hand are taken from the online pile.
D. Offline. Discards are placed face up in this area.

-Winning the Game
Each player begins the game with 0 Data Points. You win the game if you gain 7, 500 Data Points.

  -Getting Started
Before begining play, flip a coin or play rock-paper-scissors to determin who goes first.

Each player needs at least 50 cards in his deck to play. A Starter Deck can be used to start playing immediately.

Decks should be shuffeled and each player must allow their opponent to cut their Deck. The Decks are then placed face down in the Online area of the player's playmat.

Each player draws 5 cards and each player starts the game with 0 Data Points.

-Order of Play
Both players take alternating turns until one player wins the game.

  1. Draw Phase
At the start of your turn, you draw the top two cards from your deck. Some cards have effects that are used during this Phase.

  2. Bring Online Phase
During this phase, a player can place up to 2 Rookie Digimon into his Digivolve Row. It's important to note that ONLY Rookie Digimon can be played during this phase. Digimon cards are played face up in the Digivolve Row. You can only have a maximum of 4 Digimon in the Digivolve Row at the end of this phase. If you have more than 4 Digimon in your Digivolve Row, you must Offline Digimon until 4 remain.

Some cards have effects that are used during this Phase.

  3. Digivolve Phase
During this phase, a player can digivolve up to 2 Digimon. The Digivolve requirements must be met.

The Digivolve order is:

Rookie digivolves into Champion
Champion digivolves into Ultimate
Ultimate digivolves into Mega

To Digivolve a Digimon, you must already have a Digimon in play in a space in your Digimon Row on your playmat. Digimon can only be Digivolved in the Digivolve Row. You must Digivolve in the order described above. The lower level Digimon is discarded face up to your Offline pile and the new higher level Digimon is played face up in the same space in the Digivolve Row.

There are some card effects and some Digimon that will allow you to Digivolve your Digimon in a diffrent manner:

You may only Digivolve a Digimon one level per turn.

Digivolve Cards can be played during this phase.

Some cards have effects that are used during this phase.

Example: Rookie Digivolves into a Champion
On a previous turn, Player 1 played DM-018 Guilmon, a Rookie Digimon, to an open space in his Digivolve Row. During this turn, Player 1 has reached his Digivolve phase and decides he wants to digivolve Guilmon into a Champion Digimon. He examines his hand and sees that he has Sethmon, a Champion Digimon. He declares to Player 2 that he is going to Digivolve Guilmon into a Champion Digimon. He discards Guilmon to his Offline pile and plays Sethmon in the same place that Guilmon previously occupied in the Digivolve Row.

Example: Digivolve with Digivolve Card
Player 1 now has Sethmon, a Champion Digimon, in his Digivolve Row. Durring this turn, player 1 has reached his Digivolve Phase and decides he wants to Digivolve Sethmon into a Mega Digimon by using a Digivolve Card. He examines his hand and sees that he has DM-033 Gallantmon, a Mega Digimon. He declares to player 2 that he is going to use DV-002 D-Terminal Digivolve Card to Digivolve Sethmon into Gallantmon. He discards Sethmon to his Offline pile and plays Gallantmon in the same space that Sethmon prevously occupied in the Digivolve Row. Player 1 also discards the D-Terminal Digivolve card to his Offline pile.

Special Digivolution
Some Rookie Digimon have the Digimon's "true" digivolution requirements on the card. If you can collect all 4 of the Digimon in a "true" digivolution, play all 4 cards in an open space in your Digivolve Row. You add 500 Data Points and the Mega Level Digimon stays in your Digivolve Row (the other 3 are discarded to your Offline pile). Your turn is over.

  4. Move Phase
During this Phase, a player can move up to 3 Digimon from his Digivolve Row to his Attack Row and vise versa.

Some cards have effects that are used during this phase.

  5. Attack Phase
The player who goes first cannot attack on the first turn.

During this phase, a player can choose to attack with any Digimon that are in his Attack Row. Attacks are determined by comparing an attacking Digimon's Attack # against a defending Digimon's Defense #.

Each Digimon in the Attack Row can attack once per turn. If you have multiple Digimon, each of them may launch one attack during this Phase.

When you attack with a Digimon, you must pick one of your opponent;s Digimon as the target. If your oppoenent has no Digimon in his Attack Row, you will be able to add Data Points directly.

Digimon attack one at a time, not simultaneously. Digimon in the Digivolve Row may not attack or be attacked.

DigiDestined Cards can also be played during this Phase.

Some cards have effects that are used during this Phase.

Attack Resolution
Compare the Attack number of the attacking Digimon with the Defense number of the defending Digimon. Take into account any changes caused by card effects.

Attack Number is Greater Than Defense Number
If the attacking Digimon's Attack # is greater than the defending Digimon's defense #, the attacking Digimon wins the fight. The defending Digimon is discarded face up in the Offline pile. The attacking player adds Data Points equal to the difference between the Attack Number and the Defense number.

Example: Turuiemon vs. Greymon
Player 1 has DM-022 Turuiemon is his Attack Row. Player 2 has DM-061 Greymon in his Attack Row. Player 1 has reached his attack Phase. Player 1 announces that Turuiemon is going to attack Greymon. Player 1 announces that Turuiemon has an attack of 1,000. Player 2 announces Greymon has a defense of 900. Turuiemon's attack # is greater than Greymon's defense #: 1,000 - 900 = 100. Greymon is discarded to Player 2's Offline pile. Player 1 adds 100 Data Points to his total.

Attack Number and Defense Number Are Equal
If the attacking Digimon's Attack # is equal to the defending Digimon's defense # both Digimon are discarded face up to the Offline pile. Neither player adds any Data Points to their total.

Attack Number Is Less Than Defense Number
If the Attacking Digimon's Attack # is less than the defending Digimon's defense # the attacking Digimon loses the fight. The attacking Digimon is discarded face up to his player's Offline pile. The defending Digimon player adds Data Points equal to the difference between the Attack # and the Defense #.

Opponent Has No Digimon In His Attack Row
If your opponent has no Digimon cards in his Attack Row, you can attack him directly. You add your Digimon's Attack # to your Data Points.

Counting the Attack
Remember, each Digimon in the Attack Row can attack once per turn. A Digimon in the Attack Row does not have to attack. When you no longer want to attack with your Digimon or have attacked with all of the Digimon in your attack row, announce to your opponent your Attack Phase is done.

nbsp; 6. Discard Phase
During this phase, a player can discard and replace up to 3 cards.

The Digimon Collectible Card Game uses a "Last In, First Out" system to resolve effects that are triggered in the response to other effects.

Players take turns playing cards that activate effects. Once both players have passed, the effects resolve from last played to first played. After being played, all cards are discarded to the owner's Offline pile.

-Deck Construction
Once you've played the game a few times, it's time to build your own custom deck! Increase the power of your deck with cards from the booster packs.

There are a few simple rulesto follow when building your deck:

Your deck must have 50 cards. We reccomend having at least 30 Digimon cards in your deck.

You can have up to 3 copies of any one card in your deck. Some cards have GigaPower in their Card Effect text. You can only have 1 copy of any specific GigaPower card in your deck.

For example, DV-003 D-Power Digivice has "GigaPower" in its text box. You can only have 1 copy of D-Power Digivice in your constructed deck. Any diffrent 'GigaPower' card can be in your deck though, example: DV-004 D-Terminal.

Q: My card reads 'Offline a Digimon'. What does that mean?
A: That means you remove a Digimon from the playmat to the Offline Pile.

Q: Can Digimon be Digivolved in the Attack Row?
A: No! Digimon can only be Digivolved in the Digivolve Row.

Q: What happens if I run out of cards in my Online pile?
A: Shuffle the cards in your Offline pile and place them face down in your Online pile. There is no penalty for exhausting the cards in your Online pile.

Q: Can I attack the same Digimon twice?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I Digivolve from Rookie to Champion to Ultimate in one turn?
A: No, you may only Digivolve a Digimon one level per turn, unless you use a Digivolve card.

Q: Are Mythical Animal and Dark Animal diffrent from the Animal group?
A: Yes, Mythical Animal, Dark Animal, and Animal are all diffrent groups.

Q: Do Boost Attack and Boost Defense cards last for the entire turn? For example, if I use a Boost Defense card when one of my Digimon is attacked, does the bonus last for the whole turn, or just for that attack?
A: DigiDestined and DigiModify cards are sent to the Offline Pile immediately after use so they do not last the entire turn.

Scans thanks to CyberDramon's Digital Index!
The Digi Port, established April 29, 2001, (c) 2001-2008.
Images, layout, information, site name, etc. (c) to TKTakeru and may not be taken or used on any other website without permission. We are not affiliated with Jetix, Bandai, Toei Animations, or any other companies such as these. We do not own any part of Digimon, we are just a non-profit fan site.