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'Major' EA MMO coming spring 2011

No details given on the franchise, however
EA boss John Riccitiello confirmed last night that the company is working on a 'major' MMO for release next year.

Despite acknowledging the 'volatility' of the MMO market, Riccitiello promised that the title would be a "key driver" of EA's digital business in a conference call to investors.

He said: "On the digital side, while we've got a great number of key initiatives, one key driver is going to be the launch date of our major MMO.

"As it stands today, the game's making great progress towards a spring 2011 launch. Given the volatility of this sector and the fact we haven't provided a specific launch date, we're excluding the revenue from our FY11 plans and guidance."

The title's likely to be created by Mythic Entertainment, which EA merged with Bioware last year as an MMO/RPG super-developer.

Our money's on Star Wars:Old Republic, but could it be time for a Spore MMO? Which EA franchises would you like to see become massively multiplayer, dear readers?

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Spore always screamed out MMO to me. It was one of the reasons I was disappointed enough to not buy it when I found out that other planets were "copies" of other people's planets, but would not affect their game.
altitude2k on 12 Jan '10
They already have The Sims Online so unless they're planning a relaunch I can't see it being that.

"Major" franchise implies one of the big, long-standing ones. Need For Speed already got that treatment (Motor City Online failed in an epic way, although it was awesome). Burnout wouldn't work, and Paradise was close to being an MMO anyway with the drop-in, drop-out racing. Maybe they'll bring Ultima Online back.

Command & Conquer seems to be the most likely candidate. Wasn't there talk about that as an MMO a while back anyway?
Dajmin on 12 Jan '10
I could be wrong, but as far as I know there are no MMO for consoles right?


The technology, the market, the infrastructure, everything seems to be in place, including a market that's willing to get ripped off with overpriced games!
Jensonjet on 12 Jan '10
I could be wrong, but as far as I know there are no MMO for consoles right?


The technology, the market, the infrastructure, everything seems to be in place, including a market that's willing to get ripped off with overpriced games!

Final Fantasy XI.
altitude2k on 12 Jan '10
& PSU.
MPH on 12 Jan '10
As long as they learn their mistakes from the past. Earth and Beyond anyone?
kimoak on 12 Jan '10
I'm pretty sure Earth & Beyond failed for the same reasons Motor City Online did. They were both just ahead of their time. E&B could have been what Eve Online is now. MCO was ahead of the curve with "instancing", something that's now commonplace in MMOs.
Dajmin on 12 Jan '10
I would just like to see some MMO's on console, I know FFXIV is coming and Dust 514 and The Agency, but we was promised Huxley, APB, Turbine announced they were bringing an MMO to console aswell but news of that has disapeared even Star Wars was touted as a console MMO and same for Star Trek when the initial news broke, maybe thats probably down to lots of websites just copy and pasting from other websites that is misleading and lazy editors.
I guess i just prefer playing games on the console compared to a p.c although have to admit BF2 & HL2 had to be played on p.c.
NEOnburN9 on 12 Jan '10
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