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Mirror's Edge DLC arrives

Time Trial map pack out now for all platforms - video inside
EA DICE's Mirror's Edge Time Trial map pack is now available to download for PS3, 360 and PC.

The DLC was originally dated for January 29, before being delayed to an unspecified February release in order "to offer a completely smooth experience for players". DICE has made it with nine days to spare then.

Mirror's Edge
1:23  Time Trial DLC movie

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For £7 or 800 Microsoft points you'll get access to the DLC, which challenges you with getting the fastest times on nine races across seven "all-new and totally redesigned" time trial maps.

Better late than never, but is it still on your download list, or had you forgotten about it?

// Interactive
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Posted by pherik
I might take a look this, though I had thought the DLC for Mirrors Edge was going to be PS3 exclusive.

I've not finished the game yet (when I have time to play, it's usually Fable), but the time trials look interesting and a slightly different challenge to the main game.
Posted by Uzi77
Haven't really looked into it, but from what I've seen it all looks like blocks in mid air. I'd prefer a large sandbox to run around in than more linear time trails. Just seems they took the lazy approach and threw some untextured crap together. Although, the game itself was far too linear in my eyes, I had hoped DICE were going to make ME "open", like the BF series. Maybe in ME2, I can only hope.
Posted by jon_hill987
Might get it if it (and Mirrors Edge) ever came to Steam. I'm not paying for something in -ing points. I use pounds sterling or if I have to USD for my purchases.
Posted by _Marty_
Can't believe CVG are taking the mick out of this delay when Lost and the Damned has just arrived to much fanfare YONKS after the full game release... :)

Was thinking, surely it wouldn't be too hard to release a level creator for Mirrors Edge. It's pretty straight forward in what it does, and I bet people could come up with some really interesting level designs with fairly limited building blocks.
Posted by bgriffithsps3
Not really interested in this.

Loved the main game but the inconsistencies in the controls pop up to much while rushing around. The goal-times are just way to harsh for most mortals too.

Plus I think the new maps look minging.
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