Portuguese politics -- A collection of home pages about Portugal

Portuguese Politics...

[Partido Socialista] Partido Socialista
(the home page of the Partido Socialista; contains lists and names of various PS officers, pages about the Legislatura, as well as comments on the economic status of Europe; finally, it contains a form that allows you to join the party)

[Lusa] Juventude Comunista Portuguesa
(the home page of the CDU/Juventude, it contains not only the expected political rhetoric but also some pages on the 20 years of occupation of Timor)

[Presidenciais 96] 1996 Presidential Elections
(as you might expect, it contains information about the upcoming elections; contains lists and bios on the candidates, related news provided by the Agencia Lusa, and--my favorite section--the results page...)

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Hey! Have any suggestions for additions for my pages on Portugal? Send email to ideamen@well.com. Also, remember that I have a real job and, on occasion, they actually give me work to do--in short, I am happy to add your links but it may take me a couple of days.

Maintained by... [Lite]Robert J. Morey of The Idea Men and last updated April 2, 1998,
and last 'cleaned' of bad links on April 2, 1998.

Robert J. Morey / ideamen@well.com

Copyright © 1997 The Idea Men