
Soul Mate?-Well, let's face it, most of us beanwould like to attract a kindred. A fellow traveller for a 'mutual respect as we reach for the stars sort of realtionship'. View titles

Flower Remedies - Australian Bush and Bach Flower remedies have a following of tens of thousands world wide. View titles

earthGreen living - The choices that we make about our consumption, transport and energy use are fundamental if we are to tread lightly and live in harmony with our environment. But just how do wedo it? View titles

Food Choices - Vegetarian Eating animals just doesn't make ethical or environmental sense to many. The good news we can live healthier and save heaps of money by going vego. Vegetarian | Vegan | Raw Food Diet

Breastfeeding - Intending or thinking about breastfeeding but don't know how to go about it or having difficulties? Check out our range of titles on the subject. View

Gardening & Farming -Go on! You know you want to grow your own. Fresh chemical free veggies. Delicious. But how to compost? When & how to plant? Do it organically. Organic | Compost | Biodynamics

Energy - Lots of good news. We have the knowledge and the ability to power our lives from naturally renewable sources. Get informed about the options from solar to wind to waves. View titles

Documentaries - Watch telly? Nah. Far to busy knitting jumpers from nose hair & ear wax.On the rare occasion it's always a green doco (+ a bit of cricket & Idol &) DVD selection

Climate Change- The vast weight of scientific evidence points to a dangerously hotter planet. An action plan and being informed is a vital first step to solving global warming. View titles

whalesBirthing & Parenting

Natural childbirth and breastfeeding have stood humankind in good stead foe millennia. Take control of your own circumstances and do it naturally as nature intended! View titles

Health & Wellbeing- Options other than prescription drugs together vast range of alternative healing practices are no longer taboo. There are options for allergy sufferers too. Alternative Medicines | Flower Remedies | Allergies | Birthing

Vegan It is as hard as you think to live life without eating animals or products derived from them. Ethical and healthy . View titles

Raw Food - Go the whole way and live life in the raw with a super healthy raw food diet. View titles

Politics & Philosophy- The Green movement has well-developed policies and philosophies for change- though there are many shades of green! Dip your tow in a new paradigm. View titles

Ecotourism - Agree entirely. What is it exactly once again? Practice, theory, politcs and ponderings about this fast growing green sector. Titles

Greening Business- An oxymoron? Not really. Changing business practice can make a valuable contribution as can the way we do economics. Ecotourism, green accounting. View titles


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