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Energy and Transport

Clean Energy

The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy: Achieving Energy Independence Through Solar, Wind, Biomass and Hydropower

The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy: Achieving Energy Independence Through Solar, Wind, Biomass and Hydropower

By Dan Chiras

The coming energy crisis caused by a peak in global oil and natural gas production will profoundly affect the lives of all North Americans. As the price of these vital fuels rises, homeowners will scramble to cut their fuel bills. Two options for meeting the upcoming challenge are dramatic improvements in home energy efficiency and efforts to tap into clean, affordable, renewable energy resources to heat and cool homes, to provide hot water and electricity, and even to cook. These measures can result in huge savings and a level of energy independence. More

New Green Home Solutions: Renewable Household Energy and Sustainable Living

New Green Home Solutions: Renewable Household Energy and Sustainable Living

By Dave Bonta, Stephen Snyder

Green living begins at home, and New Green Home Solutions tells you how. Most of the energy-derived pollution we produce comes as a direct result of our homes-how we heat them, how we cool them, how we keep them well-lit and full of things that make our lives so comfortable. The good news is that we have tremendous power to create change. Renewable energy design, better insulation and more efficient appliances could reduce energy demands by 60 to 80 percent. By embracing conservation and renewable energy, we can win our energy independence and help save the planet. More

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Profiting from Clean Energy: A Complete Guide to Trading Green in Solar, Wind, Ethanol, Fuel Cell, Carbon Credit Industries, and More

By Richard W. Asplund

Profiting from Clean Energy: A Complete Guide to Trading Green in Solar, Wind, Ethanol, Fuel Cell, Carbon Credit Industries, and More (Wiley Trading)With "Profiting from Clean Energy", respected investment analyst Richard Asplund provides an in-depth explanation of the technology and industry structure behind various sectors of this field and in the process identifies more than 150 stocks related to clean energy. Along the way, Asplund discusses exactly what it takes to effectively invest in clean energy - whether it be through buying individual stocks, investing in green exchange - traded funds or mutual funds, or trading the biofuel and carbon credit markets.

Hydrogen Age: Empowering a Clean-energy Future

By Geoffrey HollandHydrogen Age: Empowering a Clean-energy Future

Hydrogen is the energy of the future. This book presents the history of energy, especially of oil and coal and discusses the problems that exist with continuing to use those resources. Hydrogen stands out as the best alternative to traditional polluting fossil fuels for many reasons-it can be produced without pollution, is nontoxic and noncorrosive, and we can never run out of it. It is as safe as or safer than the fuels we currently use and can be made virtually anywhere. "The Hydrogen Age" explains this promising fuel, shows how it can be harnessed to serve virtually all of our energy needs, and reveals why hydrogen is destined to become the clean, safe, renewable fuel of choice for the future.

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Powering Our Future: An Energy Sourcebook for Sustainable Living

By Alternative Energy Institute, Kimberly K. Smith

Powering Our Future: An Energy Sourcebook for Sustainable Living

With nearly all of the world’s energy consumption dependent on non-renewable resources,Powering Our Future challenges consumers to support changes that will create sustainable energy in the future.

The four biggest energy sources—oil, natural gas, coal, and uranium—currently power our earth. What would happen to our society if we experienced severe shortages of one or more of these resources? Such a glimpse into the future may become reality sooner than we think. Oil production is soon expected to begin a rapid descent, with natural gas in close pursuit. Powering Our Future is an educational tool that opens the door to a future fueled by sustainable, renewable energy. Consumers will learn:

  • How our world has become dependent on four nonrenewable resources. ·
  • How each resource impacts us politically, economically, and environmentally. ·
  • How renewable resources such as hydrogen, fuel cells, wind power, solar energy, hydropower, and more are waiting in the wings. ·
  • How the transition to renewable resources will take place, offering economically stable and environmentally safe choices.

Powering Our Future is a solution-oriented guide that will empower you to make more informed choices as a voter, a contributor to a global economy, and a citizen of the earth. More

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Clean Energy

By R. M. Dell, D. A. J. RandClean Energy

Clean Energy presents a broad survey of the energy problems facing society over the coming decades and the prospects for their solution.

The book emphasizes the importance of developing a strategy for the world's future energy supply. The strategy must take into account: the finite supplies of natural gas and petroleum; the increased consumption of fuel by developing economies; the concern over greenhouse gas emissions; the pollution caused by burning coal (especially coal with a high sulphur content); the difficulties and costs of extracting unconventional fossil fuels; and the technical, sociological and cost barriers that restrict the use of renewable forms of energy.

Clean Energy sets the various renewable energies (wind, waves, solar etc) in the context of present and projected world production of energy usage in the time-frame until 2020 and looks speculatively beyond that. It looks at the possibilities for reducing pollution from fossil fuels and tackles the serious problem of how to store energy, in order to smooth out fluctuations in supply and demand.

Clean Energy is well illustrated with diagrams and photographs and will appeal to anyone with a serious interest in environmental matters and in the interaction between energy usage and the environment. More

Renewable Energy Project Development Under the Clean Development Mechanism

By Elizabeth Lokey

Renewable Energy Project Development Under the Clean Development Mechanism

'Everyone contemplating acquisition of CERs from renewable projects in the Latin American region should read this book' Christina Figueres, Principle Climate Change Advisor to ENDESA Internacional and Vice President of the Bureau of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Investment in carbon markets and renewable energy projects is leading the climate change business agenda. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a vital part of the investment and business landscape as it allows some renewable energy project developers to take advantage of additional revenues in the form of emission reductions that can be sold to countries with emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol. This emerging market has begun to show interesting trends, with an unequal distribution of projects and technologies, and both massive opportunities for the brave and significant pitfalls for the uninformed. More

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