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The Garden Organic Guide to Making Compost

The Garden Organic Guide to Making CompostBy Pauline Pears

This book guides you through all the stages, from why you should compost, what you can compost, building a simple heap and containers, to how to use your compost, supplementing your compost with green manures, and how to retain water. Beautifully illustrated, with step-by-step photographs and illustrations throughout, the pages are packed with practical advice and helpful information. This title features strong recycling theme and strong revival of interest in gardening without chemicals following media coverage of the harmful results of using pesticides, etc. Pauline Pears runs/oversees the organic gardening centre - HDRA. More

The Little Book of Compost: Recipes for a Healthy Garden and Happy Planet

The Little Book of Compost: Recipes for a Healthy Garden and Happy Planet

By Allan Shepherd

A fun and practical guide to compost from the bestselling author of The Little Book of Slugs and The Organic Garden. Whether you're crazy about compost or just keen to discover the uses of this organic plant food, The Little Book of Compost will show you exactly how easy compost is to make. It explains the basics of soil science and includes simple schemes for the space conscious, as well as advanced options for enthusiasts and those with large gardens. Packed with practical information and written as humorous and quirky compost "recipes".The book includes: /Composting basics: why we need to compost, who and what really makes compost, how to love your composting creatures, getting started /Easy composting schemes for the hard pressed and space conscious: includes compost-in-a-bag, indoor and backyard wormeries and community collection schemes /Feed-and-forget composting system: the perfect scheme for people with average gardens and a normal amount of garden and kitchen waste /Ideas larder: handy tips for when things aren't working in your compost bin -- includes websites and other resources; where to get help if you need it /More advanced composting options for compost nerds, keen gardeners and those with large spaces: how to process more waste and get quicker results. More




By Clare Foster

Everybody knows that to garden successfully you need compost--and environmentally-aware gardeners realize that it's the most earth-friendly way to work. But not everyone knows just how easy it is to make. That's about to change, thanks to this guide by the editor of the highly-regarded magazine "Gardens Illustrated," It demystifies the whole process, and demonstrates that compost doesn't have to come in bags from the store, smell like a farm yard, or even cost a penny. All it takes are some egg shells, grass cuttings, and old banana skins, plus a little help from mold, insects and nature, more

Compost: The Natural Way to Make Food for Your Garden

Compost: The Natural Way to Make Food for Your Garden By Kenneth Thompson

Compost-making doesn't need to be hard work, costs almost nothing, and the only secret ingredient you need is patience' - Ken Thompson. Making compost isn't just simple and satisfying, it will save you spending money on expensive soil conditioners and mulches. There's no need for fancy gadgets. Discover how to build a simple bin, find the best tools for the job, and learn what type of mix is perfect for the size of your garden. From what's hot to rot, to bins and wormeries, discover how to transform your refuse into fertiliser that'll keep your flowers and plants blooming. More

Composting: The Ultimate Organic Guide to Recycling Your Garden

Composting: The Ultimate Organic Guide to Recycling Your Garden By Tim Marshall

Composting: The Ultimate Organic Guide to Recycling Your Garden is a comprehensive, easy to use, practical guide to soil improvement. It also recognises that time spent close to the soil expands the gardener’s understanding of biodiversity and the need to make room for nature’s complex processes, even in our cities and backyards – an awareness we must develop to maintain our land and water resources sustainably. More