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Clash of the Titans screenshots

Better than your average movie-based game, reckons Namco Bandai
Here's a bunch of shots for Namco Bandai's Clash of the Titans game, set for release on 360 and PS3 in spring alongside the movie of the same name.

"Clash of the Titans is the ultimate battle of good verses evil, set in the timeless grandeur of Greek mythology and telling the story of the epic battle for dominance between the human race and the powerful gods Hades and Zeus," explains NB.

"Game will equip players throughout their journey with a formidable and ever-changing arsenal of weaponry and powers to defeat the legendary foes before them, including Medusa and the hideous sea monster, the Kraken."

Oh, plus NB producer Tomoaki Nanjo says the firm's "confident Clash of the Titans will surpass all expectations of a traditional movie-based game".

What do you reckon?

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Read all 7 commentsPost a Comment
hmm reminds me of something mythical by codemasters. it certainly doesn't remind me of the film i know and love
adgr19 on 15 Jan '10
First i have ever heard of it!!!

And to be honest i am more interested in the movie than another game spin off.

As far as i am concerened Batman are the only guys that have managed to do this sucessfull.
benstevens on 15 Jan '10
rise of the argonauts i think it was called
adgr19 on 15 Jan '10
Better than the average movie tie-in game they say? Well it must be true then. If a game developer suggests their game is good it must be. Er.. hang on... don't all games developers say that? I think I'll give this one a miss.
Jensonjet on 15 Jan '10
Clash of the Titans is the ultimate battle of good verses evil

Isn't everything? Even Eastenders! Wink
kimoak on 15 Jan '10
A film tie-in, which lets face it have a terrible reputation of being shet, coming out roughly the same time as GOW3, which has a extremely strong reputation...

Don't waste our time or your time releasing an half bottomd game just so you can HOPE people who like the film will buy the game.
slick loose on 15 Jan '10
I am a huge fan of Game Republic & anything based on mythology. Loved Folklore & Genji. Very interesting to see a Japanese take on Greek myth. Can't wait for their other title, Majin: The Fallen Realm as well.
FAUNA on 16 Jan '10
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