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Meet a PETA Campaigner

Ian Blessing
Matt launches PETA’s campaign against Australian wool with rock icon Chrissie Hynde in Sydney, Australia.

PETA Staffer: Matt Prescott

Job Title: Manager of Factory Farming Campaigns

Department: International Grassroots Campaigns (IGC)

Matt Prescott grew up in a small town in New Hampshire but has protested for animal rights in 17 different countries on three continents since becoming a PETA staffer in 2002. He created PETA’s first-ever campaign against the wool industry’s practice of hacking apart live animals, laid the groundwork for PETA’s urban-marketing campaign, and toured the world with PETA’s highly controversial “Holocaust on Your Plate” Campaign, which compared the systems and mentality of the Holocaust to modern-day factory farming. Matt currently manages PETA’s Kentucky Fried Cruelty Campaign, which urges KFC to eliminate the worst abuses its 850 million chickens suffer—from having their wings and legs broken to being scalded to death—and he works with corporations that used farmed animals to improve their animal welfare practices.

Before PETA: “I started the first all-vegetarian soup kitchen in New Hampshire when I was in high school and then began working with various human rights and environmental organizations. When I was in college, I was always taking off for a week here and a week there to participate in Greenpeace actions. My father sat me down and told me that what I was doing was great but that I had too many investments to think about. He was right, so I immediately dropped those investments and left school to pursue activism full time. After working as a campaign organizer for Farm Sanctuary, I found my way to PETA and have been here ever since.”

Oddest Activist Experience: “I’d have to say it would either be an anti-KFC protest I did in South Dakota where we were counter-protested by someone in a wolf mask holding a sign that said, ‘Beer for Many Horses,’ or handing out veggie burgers in front of the Michael Jackson trial to the media and countless crazed fans camped out there.”

Why You Went Vegan: “I was vegetarian for quite some time after finding out how animals are slaughtered but went vegan when I realized that egg-laying hens are more abused than any other animal and that veal is a byproduct of the dairy industry.”

Favorite Food: “Veggie chili-cheese waffle fries and anything with peanut butter.”

When You’re Not Campaigning: “I spend most of my time learning to repair and renovate my house, watching various HBO series, painting, and making up weird country songs.”

Advice for Other Activists: “A little bit goes a long way! One small demo and a few phone calls to the local media can make a world of difference for a lot of animals. One letter to the editor can change countless minds and create a buzz around an animal rights issue. Every little bit counts.”

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