Action Center


Don't Go to the Animal Show
"Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar."
-Bradley Miller
A large part of activism is educating others. Most people have no idea how their daily habits affect animals or how easy it is to change. People typically want to be kind but need someone to show them how!

In order to educate others, educate yourself! Peter Singer's Animal Liberation is a thorough and easy-to-understand primer on animal rights. You can order it from PETA or you can try a local bookstore or library.

We also recommend the following books, all available from PETA:
  • 50 Awesome Ways Kids Can Help Animals by PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk—full of fascinating facts and more than 100 fun and easy projects and ideas that show children how they can get active for animals
  • Diet for a New America by John Robbins—a moving and well-documented book that describes the inhumane and unhealthy conditions under which animals are raised for food and shows how our health and ecological well-being are linked to the adoption of a vegan diet
Once you are familiar with the issues, share the knowledge! Create fliers, write letters, hold demonstrations, organize an information table at a concert or outdoors event, and encourage others to join you in your efforts to speak out for those who have no voice. Check out regularly for updates, factsheets, and answers to "Frequently Asked Questions." Together, we will make this world a better place for all beings.

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