
Case for Christ
Rev Mike Steicke

Cranach painting explained
Rev David Buck

For what does Jesus pray in John 17?
After his initial two-fold prayer to the Father to ‘glorify’ the Son (17:1,5), Jesus offers two main petitions, both in the form of urgent imperatives.
Dr Adam G Cooper

Foundations under fire
When the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do.
Dr Greg Lockwood

Holy Communion: Forgiveness or Assurance
Our Catechism and Confessions teach that in the Lord’s Supper Christ intends to give and actually does convey the forgiveness of sins to penitent sinners.
Dr Adam Cooper

How real is hell?
You don't need to be a Christian to believe in heaven. Belief in some kind of happy after-life to which we are all destined, good and bad, is nearly universal in the materialist west, even among pagans
Dr Adam G Cooper

Incorrect advice to Synod
Rev Avito da Costa

Quia ... Quatenus
Lutheran pastors need to uphold their Ordination vows by adhering to the unchangeable truths of God's Word rather than seeking after 'new insights';  and the people likewise.
Rev Kon Hartmann

Sasse's Writings
A selection of writings by Dr Hermann Sasse.

The Church and the Churches
On being a Lutheran Christian and the marks of the one true catholic church.
Dr Adam Cooper

The Institution of Marriage and its Relevance to the Church
The Institution of Marriage and its relevance to the marriage between God and Israel, Christ and the Church, the role of Christian husbands and wives, headship and ordination.
Rev Geoff Noller

The LCA at the Crossroads
The weakening of the LCA after some efforts to change it that have taken her down paths she should not tread, and how to reclaim the Lutheran confessional ground.
Rev Robert Hamann

The Lutheran Church of Australia – Beyond the Crossroads?
A follow-up of the earlier ‘LCA at the Crossroads’ with further reflections on the church, as seen by the author.
Rev Robert Hamann

The Parable of the Chook-Run
Rev Konrad Hartmann

What does it really mean to be Synod?
Rev Avito da Costa

What of our LCA now in postmodern times
How well are we as a Lutheran Church of Australia coping with drastic changes in our culture today?
Rev Gordon Gerhardy

Where LCA
The Augsburg Confession has used the formula: We believe, teach and confess – we reject. A church that finds it hard to reject also has problems with what it believes.
Rev Geoff Noller

Whither the LCA
The Divine Liturgy - its use, misuse, or non-use and the confusion caused by no unity in worship.  The liturgy belongs to the Church, not to any pastor, worship committee or congregation.
Rev Konrad Hartmann

Women approved to be Lay Readers
Terry Neumann
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