The case for Christ.

There is no doubt that Mel Gibson’s powerful and moving movie ‘The passion of the Christ’ has created immense interest once again in the most controversial person who has ever existed, namely Jesus of Nazareth.  Gibson’s movie, like the gospels they are based on, depict Jesus as revealing the love of God, suffering with his fallen creatures and creation, in order to bring redemption and salvation.  It’s a wonderful message, one that gives a basis for hope, love, and new and purposeful living.  But the question needs to be asked is it true?  To answer this question, we can do no better than to turn to Lee Strobel, a hard-nosed, successful, award-winning journalist who has a law degree from Yale and a journalism degree from the University of Missouri.  He is the former legal editor of The Chicago Tribune.  Strobel was also an atheist.


In the very early 1980’s, Strobel set out to evaluate the basis of and evidence for Christianity.  He believed that he would find that there was little evidence for the existence of Jesus as a historical figure, and that the stories and acts that had come to be associated with Christ such as his miracles and resurrection would be shown to be legends that developed at a much later date.  He would apply the same rigorous criteria to the case for Christ as would be applied to evidence in a court law.  In November 1981, Strobel couldn’t believe the outcome.  After painstaking research he discovered that the evidence of history had quietened his objections to Christianity.


Why isn’t the evidence for Christ more widely reported on in the media?  As a journalist, Strobel knows the workings from the inside.  The media loves sensationalism and controversy.  Sceptics bucking up against an institution like the church make a good story.  Many in the media are biased by the reports of these sceptics and take it as truth without ever really checking out the facts for themselves.  In addition, for some on many hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, having no God suits them, while the lives of many ordinary people are destroyed by the hopelessness, meaninglessness and chaos that result!


Recently, Strobel has written a book titled ‘The case for Christ’.  It is already a huge best seller.  Strobel lined up a very acclaimed list of highly regarded Christian scholars with bucket loads of doctorates between them and, armed with the best objections to various aspects of the Christians faith he could find from the writings of acclaimed atheists, interviewed them as a critical investigative journalist. The following are some of the areas covered and the conclusions that Strobel reached following that process:


Can the biographies of Jesus be trusted?  The best evidence reveals that the gospels are accurate eyewitness accounts relayed by credible people who are simply relaying the facts.  Luke in particular is regarded as a very accurate and methodical historian.  Luke’s introductory words to his gospel state: ‘Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word.  Therefore, since I have investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught (Luke 1:1-4). The core materials in the four gospels agree, with very good explanations as to why particular writers emphasise certain details and why there are very minor discrepancies in some secondary or small details (eg, one writer may be using the name of a town, while the other may be citing the name of the province where the act occurred, or Jesus, like many itinerant teachers, may have told a parable twice, with a slightly different emphasis on each occasion).  In fact these minor discrepancies add to the authenticity of the material in that they confirm that they are independent eyewitness reports and not simply the result of collaboration.  Some of the most important material in the New Testament can be traced back to within a few years of Jesus’ death and resurrection, which is important, as the early church would not have flourished if it could be shown that it’s foundation was faulty.  Pretty well all of the New Testament was written down within a generation of Jesus’ ministry.  There is probably no other text from the ancient world as well preserved as the New Testament.  World expert Dr Bruce Metzger says ‘The modern New Testament is 99.5% free of textual discrepancies, with no major doctrine in doubt’.


Is there credible evidence for Jesus outside his biographies?  We have better historical documentation for Jesus than for the founder of any other ancient religion’, says expert Edwin Yamauchi.  Sources from outside the Bible corroborate that many people believed Jesus performed healings, was crucified, and that his believers worshiped him as the risen Lord.  One expert documented 39 ancient sources that confirm 100 facts concerning Jesus’ life, teaching, crucifixion and resurrection.  These include prominent historians such as the Jew Josephus and the Roman Tacitus.


Does archaeology confirm or contradict Jesus’ biographies?   Archaeology has confirmed many biblical references, but has never disproved one.  It has confirmed that Luke, who wrote about a quarter of the New Testament, was an extremely careful historian.  One expert concluded: ‘If Luke was so painstaking accurate in his historical reporting, on what logical basis may we assume he was credulous or inaccurate in his reporting of matters that were far more important, not only to him but to others as well?’  Matters such as Jesus’ divinity, resurrection and miracles.


Did Jesus, and Jesus alone, match the identity of the Messiah?     Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, Jewish prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah or Christ (which is the Greek word for Messiah or anointed one).  These prophets created a fingerprint that only the Messiah could fit, right down to his place of his birth, over which one has no control.  Against astronomical odds, less than one chance in a trillion trillion trillion (keep adding 10 more trillions) Jesus, and only Jesus, throughout all of history, matched this prophetic fingerprint.


Was Jesus mad when he claimed to be the Son of God?  Well-known and qualified psychologist Gary Collins said Jesus was extremely well adjusted.  In addition he backed his claims with all sorts of acts, including miracles over nature and the raising of the dead, which cannot be explained away as being psychosomatic.

In addition, Jesus fulfilled the attributes of God, such as forgiving sins, being all knowing, all-powerful, eternal, holy, wise, just and loving.  Medical experts claim he truly died.  There is no credible explanation for the empty tomb and missing body other than the resurrection. The resurrection changed disciples and even opponents to be bold and to proclaim the risen Lord even in the face of death.  Would they do this if they knew it was a lie?  The best explanation remains, as incredible as it may seem, that the risen Jesus did appear to them, as the bible says.

Michael Green writes:  ‘The appearances of Jesus are as well authenticated as anything in antiquity…There can be no rational doubt that they occurred.’


This is but a brief sketch of Strobels work.  It is certainly worth reading the whole book.  It is even more important to read and reflect on the bible and to worship the one to whom it points, namely Jesus.  He is both the way back to our heavenly Father for whom we were made, and the one who can save us from eternal sufferings and bring us to share in the eternal glory that he once again enjoys beyond the grave and the restoration of all things that he will bring about.  


The good news is that God truly is for us.  He does care.  He has defeated sin, death and hell for us and is truly with us.  There is meaning, purpose and answers to so many of life’s mysteries.  We are not alone.  He enters our lives through his word and sacraments, cleansing us and pouring his love into our hearts.  Trust him, follow him and worship him.


Pastor Mike Steicke
