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Kindle Select 25

Blue Lightning (Shetland)
The Impossible Dead
44 Scotland Street
Look Who's Back
25 exciting books this week

Best Sellers

Updated hourly
1. 74 days in the top 100
Kindle Edition
Clean Cut
2. 10 days in the top 100
Clean Cut
Kindle Edition
The Fixed Trilogy
3. 34 days in the top 100
The Fixed Trilogy: Fixed on You, Found in You, Forever with…
Kindle Edition
Divergent Divergent
4. 100 days in the top 100
Divergent (Divergent Trilogy, Book 1)
Kindle Edition
Only the
5. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 167 days in the top 100
Only the Innocent
Kindle Edition
The Concrete
6. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 2 days in the top 100
The Concrete Blonde
Kindle Edition
The Litigators
7. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours 148 days in the top 100
The Litigators
Kindle Edition
Twelve Years
8. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 104 days in the top 100
Twelve Years a Slave
Kindle Edition
White Wedding
9. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours 12 days in the top 100
White Wedding
Kindle Edition
Broken Dolls
10. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours 61 days in the top 100
Broken Dolls (A Jefferson Winter Thriller)
Kindle Edition
Riveting British Mysteries

Monthly Deals

Blue Lightning (Shetland)
The Impossible Dead
The Midnight Rose
SHETLAND: Dead Water
Top Books from £0.99

Movers & Shakers

Updated hourly
The Concrete
1. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 12,616% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 6 (was 763 yesterday)
The Concrete Blonde
Kindle Edition
House of
2. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 11,376% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 353 (was 40,513 yesterday)
House of Bathory
Kindle Edition
3. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 6,604% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 24 (was 1,609 yesterday)
Farewell: The Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century
Kindle Edition
Beatrice Goes
4. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 6,144% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 47 (was 2,935 yesterday)
Beatrice Goes to Brighton
Kindle Edition
The Last
5. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 900% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 249 (was 2,492 yesterday)
The Last Coyote
Kindle Edition
The Black
6. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 780% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 166 (was 1,461 yesterday)
The Black Ice
Kindle Edition
Angels Flight
7. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 478% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 361 (was 2,088 yesterday)
Angels Flight
Kindle Edition
Lost Light
8. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 300% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 356 (was 1,425 yesterday)
Lost Light
Kindle Edition
The Transfer
9. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 173% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 196 (was 537 yesterday)
The Transfer: A Divergent Story
Kindle Edition
10. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 155% Sales Rank in Kindle Store: 200 (was 511 yesterday)
Blood & Beauty
Kindle Edition

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Best-Selling Kindle Books in Featured Categories


Kindle Monthly Deals

The Blunders of Our Governments
Anthony King, Ivor Crewe
List Price: £25.00
Kindle Price: £1.69
Treblinka: A Survivor's Memory
Chil Rajchman, Samuel Moyn, Solon...
List Price: £8.99
Kindle Price: £1.19

Featured Titles

Mary Berry Cooks
List Price: £20.00
Kindle Price: £6.99
The Fast Diet: The secret of...
Michael Mosley, Mimi Spencer
List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £2.66
List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £2.99

Kindle Select 25: 25 Exciting Books This Week

The Impossible Dead
List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £1.49
London Falling
List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £1.29
44 Scotland Street
List Price: £8.99
Kindle Price: £3.95

25 Great Books for £1 Each

Her Dying Breath
List Price: £8.99
Kindle Price: £1.00
To Honor You Call Us
List Price: £8.99
Kindle Price: £1.00
Sketchy (The Bea Catcher Chronicles)
List Price: £8.99
Kindle Price: £1.00

Popular Pre-orders: Coming Soon to Kindle

Kindle Singles: Compelling Ideas at Their Natural Length

List Price: £1.00
Kindle Price: £0.59
High Heat:
Kindle Price: £1.49

Award-nominated Best Sellers

Gone Girl
List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £2.99
The Luminaries
List Price: £9.99
Kindle Price: £4.00