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Call of Duty: World at War

Doesn't reinvent the wheel, doesn't matter
We'd actually enjoy World at War less without Kiefer Sutherland. Who wouldn't go to war with Jack Bauer?

And it's probably quite fitting that the Bauer actor's in the fifth game, because like 24, Call of Duty's always been about persistent, balls-to-the-wall action that when you look back at it looks a bit Rambo-excessive and unrealistic. But you don't care because you're having such a bloody good time.

World at War starts off with a bloke getting his throat slit, and the gritty, brutal violence doesn't end there. This is the most 'real' Call of Duty yet, and as the introductory warning says, "player discretion is advised".

See the series' trademark grenade-o-meter for too long and you're legs will get blown clean off. Instead of a swift swipe with a knife and soldier collapsing to the floor, World at War will have you gruesomely bayoneting the Japanese Banzai, and then watching them clutch their wounds in pain as the fall to the floor.

Modern Warfare carried a constant theme of vulnerability (one of the player characters does die half way through, after all) and WaW makes the bullets zipping past your head feel even more dangerous, making for more intense battles than anything in the first three WWII CoDs.

Impressively, Treyarch is able to ramp up the brutal violence to limb-flinging levels while maintaining a sensible narrative, as usual backed up with proper video footage from the era - even if the mission briefing videos could do with some more explanation.

WaW focuses on the two lesser told stories of the second World War; the American invasion of Japan and the Soviets' advance to Berlin.

There's been some controversy surrounding the backtrack to the 1940s, but World at War genuinely feels like a different side to WWII, and we've got no complaints at all on the look and feel of the new game's theatre.

Both campaigns are stories of revenge, as both sides counter-attack the Axis of evil after years of bloody conflict. Nowhere is this shown more than in the Soviet campaign, where the odd scripted fire-bombing of a Nazi-occupied building is commonplace.

The American side lacks the grit and totally epic-scale of the Russian missions, but it too throws something else into the mix in the way of the Japanese and their sneaky ambush tactics.

The Banzai soldiers will hide in the trees, charge from the tall grass and generally shake you up like a contestant in Ghost Hunters. It also introduces the flame thrower, which delivers screaming, fiery death in a pack but eventually leaves you craving the satisfying accuracy of World at War's ramped-up guns.

As you'd expect coming from a game where you're using M16s and laser sights, Treyarch's taken some liberties in beefing up the Thompsons and Garands of the WWII arsenal to live up to expectations.

World at War's FPS mechanics cannot be faulted; Infinity Ward's engine is fast and fluid, and Treyarch's bolstered the bangs with some particularly beefy and satisfying sound effects.

The auto iron-sight lock-on is still there, you'll take out a Kamikaze soldier in two shots. World at War basically feels like Modern Warfare, which is exactly what we were looking for, basically.

The campaign certainly doesn't reinvent Call of Duty 4's formula (did we want it to?), and it's also a little on the short side at around six hours.

Like Modern Warfare the scripting in set-pieces is still quite blatant - like Japanese soldiers that run from their hiding place and then navigate a squad of US squaddies to come straight towards you - but the campaign's complete balls-to-the-wall Hollywood action makes it forgiveable.

That said it never lives up to the 'wow' moments from Modern Warfare, like the stupidly intense opening sequence on the cargo ship and the incredible Ghillie suit level, and therefore concludes with the feeling that something's missing.

World at War's also made us realise just how well paced and designed Modern Warfare's campaign was, as it often falls into the number trap of 'destroy three tanks', followed by 'blow up four anti-air guns', and then 'kill all these soldiers' which can grate. World at War sometimes feels like you're running down some lead designer's scrambled check list, which Modern Warfare never did.

Because of this we've started to feel that World at War succeeds not on its radical new slant on an old war theatre, but because of all of the fantastic game systems Infinity Ward has kindly lent from Modern Warfare. We could make a 9 out of 10 shooter with this engine.

The engine's still, at its core, not pushing many polygons around but the sheer amount visual effect and stuff on screen makes for a fluid, fantastic looking game.

Some areas, like the scorched beachheads of one of the opening missions, with hundreds or smoking embers dancing in the wind, look stunning. And the jungle sieges are unlike anything we saw in Modern Warfare.

Multiplayer as well is just as good, if not better than before - and is bolstered by one of Treyarch's really compelling additions, co-op, which adds even more longevity to a shooter that's already going to keep your attention well past Christmas.

The arenas are soundly designed, the perks are mostly the same and uncontroversial and the gunplay - as we mentioned - is as fantastic as ever. Vehicles, in our experience, are basically the equivalent of putting a tank-sized target on your back, but they're mostly ignored in the corner, so its not a major gripe.

The replacement for the attack chopper kill streak award, which now has you release a bunch of dogs, is still a sore point for many. But what's done is done.

Multiplayer and co-op are undoubtedly the best reason to pick up World at War, but the short-lived campaign which adds even more great CoD4-powered action warrants the money. And Bauer's always worth the cash.

// Overview
The short-lived campaign doesn't quite reach the highs of Modern Warfare, but the ever-solid shooting and multiplayer mechanics make this a great shooter.
  A unique take on WWII
  CoD4 engine and FPS mechanics - brilliant
  Multiplayer is still the nuts
  Lacks the 'wow' moments of Modern Warfare
  Campaign doesn't last long
  Vehicles are ignored
// Interactive
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Posted by themistocles
Been playing this since Tuesday. At least it succeeds in pulling off the WWII setting in single player, and the graphics and sound are incredible, but nowhere near 4 for me story and gameplay-wise.

The multiplayer also feels off - the weapons aren't balanced right. Maybe it'll take getting used to, but why bother when 4 is so much better. It's almost worth buying for co-op alone, though.
Posted by _Marty_
This review is pretty much spot on with the feeling I got from the multiplayer game. I'm not the least bit surprised its score isn't comparable to CoD4. It was good, sure, but just not as good, and what it did well was due to a solid engine.

As an aside, I often wonder what the world would be like if WWII had never happened. The available games catalogue would surely be cut in half for a start.
Posted by StonecoldMC
8.5 is still a good score, its just not the score of a Game I'll pick up on day 1. I have too many to play through still and the fact that I havent even been on the demo/beta yet tells me all I need to know.

Roll on the January sales. :D
Posted by berelain
meh, I just can't seem to get myself in the least bit interested in the Call of Duty series these days. Its too many scripted set pieces that break when you don't do them the way the game wants you to, and it just feels like a step backwards in gaming to me. I never even got around to finishing CoD4; I just got bored of the game and ended up spending my time trying to break the enemy respawns. Which in itself was sort of fun, if completely missing the point...
Posted by $$johnman$$
What happened to the "world at war is better than modern warfare?" That was on this site about a week ago, who gave that reveiw?
Posted by Mogs
Good on Treyarch for managing to make a pretty decent game even if it is purely a cynical mining operation contracted to them by Activision. Sadly, the fact that it IS cynical mining of the CoD brand & an unwelcome return to WWII means that I have absolutely no desire or intention to buy or play this.

Posted by Dajmin
There's some places I'm sure the enemy respawns infinitely, so you'll run out of ammo eventually if you don't press forward :)

That wasn't a CVG review. Err... obviously :)
Posted by yetiC
So this game's out for more than 1 format?

Why does this review only state Xbox?

Are there any differences? Surely the Wii version doesn't look as good? - but is the control mechanism better?

Is it me or is this site massively MS biased? Even down to the labelling of multi format titles?

I even clicked through the "Playstation" section of the site - then the reviews - to find the PS3 review - but that brings me back here - which to all intent and purpose is the Xbox review?

Posted by _Marty_
This is a constant problem, and often works the other way too. If I were to guess, I'd suggest they have no function to label a game 'multiformat' or 'for PS3 and Xbox 360'.
That's certainly the impression you get anyway.
Posted by almanac2015
I'll be buying it soon-really think I'll enjoy it. But I know it will have all those Treyarch things that I hate in them. I'm against vehicles in WW2 games (especially online...), and the dogs online also sounds ridiculous. Still will get though.
Posted by Budly Moore
£27 at asda, it'll make a good xmas present for my bro, my mate and me :)
Posted by _Marty_
On which system?
Posted by fanboy
I agree with the reviews content, but giving it a lower score than Far Cry 2 is just insane as it is way better than that.

Yes its true that its pretty much the same as the last game, but that was one of the best games of this generation and so in that respect the review score is harsh.

Imagine if they took the same policy with the Zelda series? Twilight Princess would've got about 7.
Posted by FlashDeck
'Vehicles ignored'? Brilliant. I hate tanks in online games!
Posted by Piranesi
Agree with the tank comment - vehicles can make or break a good map.

If you need a vehicle to get to the fight it is too big (and there is never something speedy around when you spawn).

If the map is too small, it just causes chaos as you just get run over or hit by a shell.

You then have to re-spawn with a bazooka to get rid of the thing.

'Suppose it adds a bit more realism to the battle but any strategy or tactics go out of the window.

WAW looks like a post-Xmas purchase IMO. If they can fix the guns and dogs, they've got a sale.

COD, Halo and Gears tends to attract different types of player but I wonder if COD5 takes much of COD4 players in long run.
Posted by Budly Moore
Both, I wanted it for the PS3 but it was sold out, I got the very last copy for 360. What was funny was seeing the pc version for £35
Posted by ted1138
The multi player is growing on me, can't wait to get to rank 14 and start playing on the headquarters mode. :D :D :D
Posted by dangermou5e
»I've got 3 Asdas down my way and all 3 had sold out by 11am so i took the advert i'd seen in the paper to gamestation and they sold me cod for for the same price as Asda plus gamestation do ten day returns
Posted by gogo65uk
I'm not wanting to cause any problems here I liked cod4 (apart from the lifers online with their split second head shots) single player it was great (especially shock and awe) World at war I liked very much single player was good online is more stable as the lifers didn't move over (they must have a thing for the towel heads) so personally I would give them both a 9/10. Even the reviewer still has has his cod4 boner I think :lol: peace people :D

Not long finished world at war by the way and I didn't play Nazi zombie mode much but what I did play seems like a ton of fun.
Posted by Limerick
I bought this at the weekend and haven't been able to complete it yet I can see why everyone thought this wasn't going to be very good because Treyarch were doing it and think they were right to fear the worst.

Multiplayer is an exact carbon copy of COD4's and they haven't broke it so thats all right.

It's the single player where they just can't live up to Infinity Ward. Your teams AI is so daft they would rather stand in your line of sight shooting at nothing getting in the way for an enemy to sneak past them and kill you. Then there's the first level with all the grenades getting thrown your way in a corridor they call a jungle that's not wide enough to side step out the way, you can't back up far enough because your so called team mates get in the way leaving the only other option of running out into no mans land to meet instant death. Oh the joy.

Also if the sniper mission is trying to cash in on the sucess of All Ghilled Up then they missed the point as that level was beatifully crafted the AI was more help than hinderance and the crawling through the grass unseen and taking out enemies simultaniously was a thing of beauty. Being told on the new one that a sniper is on the top floor to the (bang im dead) left doesn't help. Maybe finishing your sentence before I get a hole my head might of helped just a touch. where COD4 made me wish every game had a sniper level I realise that only devs as good as Infinity Ward or other decent devs that can make them fun and not looking at 4 little windows and hopinng that he'll run in from the side I'm looking at as the hint I get from the useless hunk of Ruskie thats tagged along only comes when I already had a hole in my head. Bad level design in my eyes and although the shootings the same the level design and AI is not even in the same league as COD 4.

Rant over folks I just got a touch wound up last night with it.
Posted by The_KFD_Case
Johnman was right, Dajmin. There was an article amounting more or less to how WaW was going to be the best thing since sliced bread within the past week. That article seems to have plum disappeared since this one was released. What a coinkidink! Or not.

This review only firmens my resolve to not purchase WaW. I loved CoD4 and if Infinity Ward produce CoD6 with a contemporary setting I'll buy it in a heartbeat. Until then thank you, but no thank you. There have been many great WWII PC games and I've enjoyed a number of them yet in my opinion going back to the WWII era was a step in the wrong direction after CoD4. I remain a committed "No buy".
Posted by anti-jam
to be honest I didn't play MW enough to compare since i got stuck on corporal at that bit where you have to wait for the helicopter and only rented it for a week, but otherwise WAW is in a league of it's own among all previous WWII games and is a good template to base an FPS around, the multiplayer is solid, Cooperative is a nice touch and campaign is difficult but not impossible. it spins the ball in a new direction but doesn't fix what isn't broken.
Posted by MAFISH
i think the game is ruined by the bolt action rifles as if u take one with a decent amount of power, remove the scope and take out the stopping power perk, CHEST SHOTS KILL IN ONE!which means that there is no longer the split second rush of godliness as u take a headshot, at long range under pressure simply beacause there is no need to which means there is no balance when u suffer the pitiful reload time and poor hip accuracy of the guns close up. there inst any piont in gaining headshots anyway as u can't get camo for ur guns, which SUCKS. so if there is any sense in u people, u will go now and reopen ur cod4 box
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