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What is "Centering Prayer?"

I have a very difficult time praying.  I'm easily distracted, and my mind quickly jumps to other things.  Lately I've read some books by Thomas Merton and Thomas Keating on the practice of centering (or contemplative) prayer.  Is this type of prayer compatible with the Christian faith?  Does the LCMS have a position on this type of prayer?

I have a question about a situation that happened to me at work. We have been working on a Mormon Church building additions and had a meeting with their representative at our office.  Before the meeting he wanted to say a prayer. Since they do not worship the same god as we (Christians) do, is there a problem in participating in such a prayer with a Mormon?

I am interested in any commentary or position that the church has taken with regard to nurses praying with patients in hospitals. An assumption is that hospitalized patients represent multiple beliefs and denominations.

What is the Lutheran view of the currently popular book The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson?

I would appreciate knowing our official LCMS doctrinal position on prayers for, or on behalf of, the dead, specifically those who have died (as far as we know) in the faith.

Who wrote the common table prayer used by many Lutherans, "Come, Lord Jesus ...." and where did it come from?

Lutherans basically believe that prayer is a one-way form of communication; from the believer to God, and that God speaks to us only via Word and Sacrament, as 'enlightened' by the Holy Ghost. But to what extent can a sincere believer believe that God (perhaps more specifically, The Third Person) speak to one, especially with regards to answering prayer(s)?

Can we change God's mind through prayer or are all of our actions and days of our lives predetermined? If we pray that God's will be done, where does the power of prayer come in?

Does God send punishment here on earth? Example: I recently heard a minister pray asking God to let us know what was it we were doing that caused Him to send a drought to our it a "punishment" from God to have a drought? If so, would He be punishing all the people in the region for a specific sin? Do we teach that God just gets "ticked off" and sends drought, floods etc? I always thought that to be the "God of the Old Testament" but with the fulfilled promise of the new God offers forgiveness rather than punishment.

What does the Bible say about praying out loud in front of other people?  I joined a committee at church and later found out that they make prayer requests and then pray for each other out loud.  I feel that the gift of public speaking is part of being able to pray out loud and some people have that gift and some do not.  I feel like I am not really praying to God when I have to pray for others out loud -- words don't come quickly and my prayers feel fake.  Should everyone be expected to pray out loud?  I know people who won't join committees because they might be expected to pray out loud.  What does God think of this? 

To whom should we pray? A fellow Christian recently explained that all prayers should be directed only to God the Father or the Trinity. She said that there are very few "ancient" prayers addressed to Jesus Christ and none to the Holy Spirit. I am having trouble with this. I believe that all 3 persons of the Trinity are present when I pray and all 3 hear and respond, no matter which Person I address. I have frequent prayers to Jesus. I ask the Holy Spirit's guidance in my faith life. When I pray, I pray to Jesus. And I can see nothing wrong in this. The Bible and the catechism have no restrictions.

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