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The London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2004) - the Mayor's Spatial Development Strategy

The Greater London Authority Act 1999 places responsibility for strategic planning in London on the Mayor, and requires him to produce a Spatial Development Strategy for London which he has called the London Plan; he is also required to keep it under review.

To access to the latest iteration of the London Plan, its policies and other key documents related to the plan, visit

To supplement the London Plan, Best Practice Guidance, Supplementary Planning Guidance documents and Sub Regional Development Frameworks provide more detailed advice on specific issues.

Spatial Development Strategy Technical Reports have helped in the preparation and alteration process for the London Plan.

The Alteration process for the London Plan

Work started on preparation of the first London Plan in 2000. After a statutory process the Mayor published the London Plan in February 2004.

The Mayor undertook Early Alterations to the London Plan to address pressing housing provision, waste and minerals issues. These were subject to an Examination in Public (EIP) in June 2006, following which the EIP panel produced its report in September 2006. The Early Alterations were published in December 2006, and form part of the London Plan.

Following his Statement of Intent to review the London Plan (December 2005), the Mayor also prepared Draft Further Alterations, to the London Plan, published for public consultation in September 2006. The Further Alterations were subject to an Examination in Public held in June/July 2007.

The EiP Panel Report on the Further Alterations was published in October 2007. In light of this the Mayor incorporated both the Early and Further Alterations in the London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2004), published in February 2008.

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