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I'm attending a public university here in Wisconsin, and I have been asked to join a Christian fellowship student organization here on campus, "Student Impact" which is an off shoot of the "Campus Crusade for Christ." They hold Bible studies and hold prayers and the like every week. It is an interdenominational organization, by my understanding, so I want to be careful here, with respect to my membership in the LCMS and adherence to our church's doctrines, beliefs, and practices. Is it  permissible of me to be a member of this group, or to attend any of their sessions--Bible study? Prayer? I just want to make sure I don't cross any lines here that I  shouldn't be crossing.

There has been much talk about the "Deliverance" movement lately.  What is the position of the LCMS on the "Deliverance" practice?

Is the theological framework of the Twelve-Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous doctrinally compatible with the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions, assuming one subscribes to the Triune God as one's higher power?

Recently I received an e-mail alerting me to efforts by Madalyn Murray O'Hair to ban the word "God" from the airwaves. It included a form letter to send to the FCC and specified "Petition 2493" be put on the envelope. Is this another false alarm?

What is the LCMS position on the Faith Inkubators (FINK) confirmation program? It's being used in many LCMS churches, yet it was developed by an ELCA pastor.

Does the Synod have an official position with regard to membership in the Boy Scouts? My local LCMS parish sponsors a Boy Scout troop and lets it hold its meetings in the church hall. I vaguely recall that the Boy Scouts are considered to be a quasi-religious organization, and therefore not considered proper for LCMS involvement.

Could someone please explain briefly why Masons are not allowed in the Lutheran Church?

What is the Synod's view of membership in lodges, fraternal organizations and fraternities?

Has the LCMS taken an official position regarding the Gideons? Our congregation often invites Gideon representatives to given formal presentations during our worship service.

What is the Missouri Synod's response to the Promise Keepers movement?

Martial Arts are very popular, even among Christians.  I have read in the past that it's impossible to separate the martial arts from the spiritual beliefs and practices from which they sprung.  Recently, I came across a Karate school that was run by a Christian.  Do you have any insights on whether all marital arts are influenced by Eastern mysticism and belief or if a Christian could participate without harming his faith?

Is the LCMS a member of the World Council of Churches or National Council of Churches?

I am a confirmed Missouri Synod Lutheran.  I recently discovered an organization that seems to share my interest in the Norwegian culture.  The organization is the "Sons of Norway".  I haven't investigated them enough to know if they are considered a lodge or fraternity - but their name suggests it. Before I request further information from the Sons of Norway, I would appreciate any feedback that you have on the group; especially if you have any information on practices by this group that would counter my faith. 

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