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Entries from Gothamist tagged with 'mayormike'

February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday is supposed to be a decisive catalyst in the presidential campaigns. It may wind up raising more questions than ever, especially with Mayor Bloomberg (not officially) entertaining a run towards 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Today, the New York Sun reports a data analysis firm's claim that it's "empirically possible" for Mayor Bloomberg to become President, even if moderately-positioned John McCain wins the Republican nomination. Symposia Group has been crunching electoral data and thinks Bloomberg......

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January 29, 2008

Mayor Bloomberg traveled to Albany yesterday with a delicately phrased but succinct query: Where is our cash you deadbeats? Bloomberg recently explained all city agencies had to undergo belt-tightening in preparation of a downturn of the city's economy. He wasn't prepared to be short-shrifted by Albany, from where the city depends on a certain level of budgetary support. "We are not asking for anything other than our fair share. But our fair share is what......

Continue Reading "Mayor Mike to Spitzer: Show NYC the Money!"

January 11, 2008

Mayor Bloomberg may be finding that coy flirtation can be cute at first, but quickly becomes old and aggravating if carried on for too long. The New York Times has a story today describing a growing backlash against a Mayor who seems preoccupied with something big, but it's something big that he won't discuss, or even acknowledge. With the City on the verge of a fiscal meltdown and several controversial proposals like congestion pricing in......

Continue Reading "Under the Gun, Bloomberg Answers Questions About Presidential Aspirations"

January 7, 2008

Mayor Bloomberg's trip to the University of Oklahoma to caucus with a bipartisan group of current and former politicians and grouse about Washington gridlock only fueled the fires of speculation that he is preparing a Presidential run. People are already strategizing about who his ideal running mate would be. Bloomberg is sticking to his (anti-)guns, however, and still claiming that he is not a candidate. But his pollster told the LA Times that our Mayor......

Continue Reading "Comment of the Day: Bloomberg Takes the Cake in Oklahoma"

December 30, 2007

Mayor Bloomberg is bringing his bottom-line approach to governance to the issue of poverty; specifically, where is the poverty line and who is below it? The Mayor is dissatisfied with the current federal standard for judging who is poor and who is not, which is based on the cost of groceries to feed a family. The current federal standard is 42 years old and criticized by many as totally off-base and outdated, especially since it......

Continue Reading "Mayor Bloomberg: Who's Poor, Exactly?"

December 14, 2007

Mayor Bloomberg continued his whirlwind tour through Asia yesterday with a stop in Bali, Indonesia to talk to United Nations officials about the global effects of climate change. This is after a foray to China, that brought to mind Ed Koch's Beijing inspiration for bike paths in NYC to The New York Times' Clyde Haberman. Like NYC, Bali was the victim of a devastating terrorist attack that killed and injured hundreds of people. True......

Continue Reading "Shanghai Subway Surprise"

November 11, 2007

The city is showing the door to a daycare facility that has called P.S. 122 its home for 26 years. The Children's Liberation Daycare Center (CLDC), which serves 88 kids between the ages of 2 and 6, is going to court later this month to object to its ejection from the building, with no plan for the daycare center's return. The CLDC shares P.S. 122 with three arts organizations and it's the city's Dept. of......

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October 13, 2007

John Catsimatidis is hoping to follow in Mayor Bloomberg's footsteps by becoming a Democrat who follows the path of least resistance into Gracie Mansion. The owner of the Gristedes supermarket chain has millions of dollars to burn and would like to become the Mayor of New York City. Even for a lifelong Democrat like Catsimatidis, the easiest road to City Hall is to bypass the scrum of party politics and simply get oneself elected as......

Continue Reading "Grocer Willing to Produce Green in Express Lane to Mayor's Office"

September 25, 2007

Mayor Bloomberg is back from London, just in time to deliver an address at Cooper Union while the world's media is milling about NYC for the U.N.'s General Assembly. Bloomberg will be appearing as part of a panel near Astor Place to discuss national policy matters. According to The New York Sun, an online site is attracting a growing number of supporters to draft Mayor Bloomberg as a third party candidate in the 2008 Presidential......

Continue Reading "How Hard Will Bloomberg Dodge a Draft?"

August 13, 2007

We've said before that Mayor Bloomberg's girlfriend (or companion, which is what the NY Times refers to her as) Diana Taylor seems like a classy lady, unlike some other mayor's girlfriends. But we don't know much about her, except that she went to Dartmouth (Mayor Bloomberg accompanied her on an alumni weekend there), she worked in senior management at Keyspan, she was the state's superintendent of banking under Pataki, she was shortlisted by President Bush......

Continue Reading "Mayor Mike's Companion/ Gal Pal Chats With the News"

August 9, 2007

Photographs of frustrated subway riders by md76 on Flickr While this morning's commute seems better, most mass transit riders are still confused, frustrated and even betrayed by the subway system and other rail service coming to a stand still during the Wednesday morning rush hour. The MTA admitted that the service was not acceptable on many accounts, from the flooding to the fact that the MTA's website was overwhelmed. Then there's also the fact......

Continue Reading "So What The Hell Happened With The Subways"

August 6, 2007

Mayor Bloomberg headed to jury duty this morning, with a smile, a number of bodyguards and press aide Stu Loeser. When he showed up to the waiting room for prospective jurors, apparently a woman called a friend and said he was there for the "same foolishness" as everyone else. Outside the courthouse, the Mayor mused, "It's always more interesting to be on a jury than to just sit there. You wish that we didn't......

Continue Reading "The City's Happiest Prospective Juror"

July 10, 2007

It is hot. Although temperature is just over 90 degrees, it feels more like 100 with the humidity. And if you're on certain subway platforms, well, forget a mini-pack of tissues - you'll need a whole stack of paper towels or a big towel to wipe away the sweat while you wait for your train. But that's nothing compared to subway workers who don't get to board an air-conditioned train. One transit worker said,......

Continue Reading "Big Apple, Baking Till Crispy"

July 5, 2007

Possibly on a Brooklyn-bound F train: Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The Mayor's "bullpen-style" offices need some new paint, a new carpet and a few other fixes, so Bloomberg and his staffers are temporarily relocating to work out of the Office of Emergency Management headquarters in Brooklyn on Cadman Plaza East. The Mayor explained, “Somebody’s going to kill themselves with all of the rips in the carpet." Nice to know that he's concerned with personal injury lawsuits......

Continue Reading "Mayor Bloomberg Goes to Brooklyn "

June 29, 2007

Today on the Gothamist Newsmap: a found grenade(!) at Sedgwick Ave. and Depot Pl. in the Bronx, a child abduction on 8th Ave. and 150th St. in Manhattan, and a person struck by a train on 103rd St. and Roosevelt Ave. in Queens. A New Jersey State Police report concluded that the unauthorized use of flashing emergency lights by his driver didn't cause Governor Corzine's near-fatal crash, but it did contribute significantly to the......

Continue Reading "Extra, Extra"

June 29, 2007

Given that news that Mayor Bloomberg had heart surgery before he was mayor was slipped into a Newsweek article, the Post suggests Mayor Mike was behind the leak. Strategists say that candidates rather have information out there in the open, versus than it coming out to bite candidate later. Republican strategist Dan Schnur told the Post, "This is the sort of thing Fred Thompson did" (Thompson announced his non-Hodgkin's lymphona - which is in emission......

Continue Reading "Bloomberg's Behind-the-Scenes Moves"

June 28, 2007

The Politicker posted this video of Mayor Mike going after both Republican and Democrats during a Crain's Business breakfast. Specifically, when questioned by WNYC's Brian Lehrer, Mayor Bloomberg said, "I don’t think I disagree with what any national party stands for because I don’t think either national party stands for anything." Cue the cheers! More shocking was Mayor Bloomberg's thoughts on crowded conditions of the 4/5/6, "I take the Lex line most days and......

Continue Reading "Video of the Day: Bloomberg Pooh Poohs Political Parties"

June 28, 2007

Well, there's nothing like having a barely-one-hour blackout on a sultry weekday to make you consider stocking up on flashlights, batteries, water, and maybe a Go Bag. Con Ed is still investigating the cause of yesterday's brief power failure to parts of the Bronx and Manhattan; Newsday reported "the blackout was caused when breakers opened at an Astoria substation and cut off power to stations servicing Yorkville and parts of the Bronx." It's unclear......

Continue Reading "Yesterday's 48-Minute Blackout:
Ominous Foreshadowing or Nothing to Worry About"

June 26, 2007

For better or worse, thanks to Mayor Bloomberg's assertion of political independence, we'll be hearing about an all-New Yorker presidential race for months to come. Last week, a Quinnipiac poll found that New York State would go to Democratic front runner Senator Hillary Clinton, over former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Bloomberg. Clinton would get 43% of state votes, Giuliani would get 29% and Bloomberg would get 16%. If Bloomberg's not in the picture, Clinton still......

Continue Reading "How Bloomberg Fits Into a Hillary-Rudy Race"

June 21, 2007

At a ceremony that was supposed to tout the 50 millionth call to 311, Mayor Bloomberg faced the media, who were eager to embrace the maybe-maybe not presidential candidate. Mayor Bloomberg remained steadfast in his conviction not to run for president, heartily proclaiming, "I've got the greatest job in the world," and that he would stay on as mayor for another 925 days. But, the NY Times says ahem, reporting Bloomberg aides have working......

Continue Reading "Bloomberg Loves Being Mayor & Thinking About 2008 "

June 20, 2007

We've had half a day to absorb the news, but it's still kind of crazy that Mayor Michael Bloomberg decided to drop his 6-years-old Republican coat for an unaffiliated one. Here's his official statement:“I have filed papers with the New York City Board of Elections to change my status as a voter and register as unaffiliated with any political party. Although my plans for the future haven’t changed, I believe this brings my affiliation......

Continue Reading "Michael Bloomberg, the Ulitmate Party Hopper"

May 21, 2007

Yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg traveled back to his Massachusetts roots and gave the commencement speech at Tufts University. Bloomberg, who grew up in Medford, name checked various haunts in the hood, tried to seem with it by mentioning Busta Rhymes, Ali G, and Salma Hayek, and reminded kids to call their mother. He also discussed free speech, in what the Sun called a nod to the Minutemen incident at Columbia: The fourth lesson is, in......

Continue Reading "Bloomberg on Mom, Sports, and Respeck"

May 9, 2007

WCBS 2 reporter Andrew Kirtzman takes up rumors of Mayor Bloomberg wanting to run for Governor (which the mayor denies) by way of looking at how everyone wants to talk about him. Given that he's frequently cited in national publications (writing about gun control in Newsweek, named a Time 100 influential), political consultant Norman Adler says, "Mike Bloomberg is kind of the Paris Hilton of politics. People want to report about him and want to......

Continue Reading "Mayor Mike Is the "Paris Hilton of Politics""

May 8, 2007

We love scurrilous political gossip! The NY Post's Fred Dicker says that Mayor Bloomberg wants to run for Governor in 2010! For some reason, Mayor Mike thinks that Albany might be his kind of town. A "senior" Republican source spills the beans:"On two occasions in recent weeks, the mayor brought up the possibility of running for governor, of running against Spitzer in 2010. "He's saying he can do for the state what he did for......

Continue Reading "2010 Matchup: Bloomberg Vs. Spitzer?"

May 3, 2007

Mayor Bloomberg's trip to Mexico last week was not only a fact finding mission for the city's proposed conditional cash program - it was also a chance for him to show off his Spanish skills! Mayor Mike (Miguel?) gave a 10 minute speech in Spanish, impressing a Univision reporter who said, "We’ve been covering you for many years now and it’s pretty good," though some others, according to the NY Times, "privately tittered at Mr.......

Continue Reading "Mayor Bloomberg's "Habla Español" Update"

April 23, 2007

Yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg presented PlaNYC: A Greener, Greater New York, his administration's thinking about what the city needs to do by the year 2030 in order meet sustainability goals. The plan involves 127 initiatives under the areas of Brownfield Remediation, Housing, Open Space, Transportation, Energy, the Water Network, Water Quality, Air Quality and Climate Change, but the big topic was congestion pricing. After much speculation, Mayor Bloomberg even acknowledged that congestion pricing was the......

Continue Reading "Mayor Bloomberg Says Congestion Pricing And Likes It"

April 17, 2007

While there's no video of Mayor Bloomberg's Inner Circle Dinner performance online yet (though there's a YouTube clip of someone taping the CW 11's New at Ten - complete with giggling at Mayor Mike), the Daily News' Daily Politics did post this commercial for "Mayor Poppins." Elizabeth Benjamin writes, "My favorite part is Mark Green, playing himself and uttering a line so quintessentially Mark Green it's scary." NY1 said the annual skit spoofed "issues......

Continue Reading "With a Spoonful of Sugar, But Not Trans-Fats"

April 13, 2007

Mayor Bloomberg missed the Second Avenue Subway groundbreaking yesterday morning because he was in Cincinnati to unveil the latest part of his campaign fight illegal guns. And, yes, Ohio is a swing state. The Mayors Against Illegal Guns group that the Mayor founded last year will be rolling out TV and Internet ads to, as the NY Times reports, "pressure Congress into rescinding the so-called Tiahrt amendment, a measure attached to spending bills each year......

Continue Reading "Mayor Mike Ramps Up Campaign Against Illegal Guns"

April 11, 2007

Despite its size (and irrelevance in national elections), New York City produces about 1% of all of America's greenhouse gas emissions. That's as much as the entire countries of Ireland and Portugal, however considering that New Yorkers account for about 2-3% of the U.S. population, 1% isn't bad. But it's not great either, and Mayor Bloomberg said, "We can no longer deny the science and bury our heads in the sand. Climate change is......

Continue Reading "NYC's Buildings Too Gassy For Earth's Good"

March 12, 2007

What'll it take to make Mayor Michael Bloomberg run for President next year? According to a former adviser, candidates who are either very conservative (like Mitt Romey) or very liberal (like John Edwards) will make the infamous Democrat-turned-Republican consider putting his billions behind a presidential campaign. Esther Fuchs, who served during Bloomberg's first term, said Mayor Mike is "80% probable" to run. So, that's like all of him, except his head? While some doubt either......

Continue Reading "'08 Rumblings: Mayor's Maybe, Sharpton Hates Barack?"
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