Lesser of evils
Voters must once again choose the  president they will mistrust the least

he day of the American President as a heroic icon of trust, decency and inspiration has long since past. Once upon a time, the V.I.P. was seen as    infallible by the people. He was loved and respected and inspired his citizens to follow his lead, whether it was into war or through the Depression.

“If man wants 
to be his own god ...
and all men become gods ...
what’s to stop them 
from fighting it out
once they reach that point?”

Jim Krueger (from Earth X)

Helpless in a dark world
 Sufferers of depression and anxiety face a harsh reality

iving in a dark world, having no friends, feeling helpless and crying every night is not my idea of a great time.

Finding a lawyer you can trust
 A W.Va. attorney offers advice for the would-be legal shopper

here are lies, damn lies and statistics -variously attributed to Benjamin Disraeli and Mark Twain.

Voice your opinion today! Send e-mail to lplacek@wvu.edu

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Financial Times Fall 98