Does your insurance policy cover alien invasions?


What about giant monster attacks?


Disasters are just waiting to happen.


Who's going to clean up the mess?


Who's going to put the pieces back together?


We are.


Damage Control.


If you live in New York City, you know that anything can happen at any time.

Thanks to the McDuffie Insurance Company's "Extraordinary Activity Assurance" policies, you can get coverage for even the most preposterous disasters

New Yorkers call it Superhero Insurance. But it's much more than that. Your Extraordinary Activity Assurance Policy will pay for Damage Control to repair or rebuild your property in the event of:

Damage Control is the premier engineering firm and construction company in America. Every time a radioactive lizard, moldy Sumerian god, criminally insane supervillain or intergalactic strike force cuts a swath of destruction across this great nation, Damage Control is there.

No matter whether it's your home, your business, or your secret underground base that's been flattened, Damage Control will have it looking like new in no time flat.

Now Under New Ownership!

Damage Control has recently been purchased by SHAFT, Inc.

Now, Super Heroes for Anarchy and Free Thought makes a profit every time a chunk of New York is destroyed in a superhero battle. And that's just smart business!


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