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Fan Apps/Downloads

Applications, utilities, patches, games, and more goodies made by fans with a true passion for Metroid.

Games Author Size
Star Wars CCG Metroid Cards JFosDark 7.3k .zip
These are a set of Metroid playing cards for use with the Star Wars CCG. Currently four in the set (contained here as a zip file), you can print these out and use them in your Star Wars CCG decks.

Justin Bailey II Shaktool 7.3k .zip
Hot on the heels of Super Justin Bailey (see below) comes Justin Bailey II -- a patch (NOT a game ROM) for use with a Game Boy emulator to play Metroid II with an armorless Samus.

You'll need the Super Justin Bailey patch, an IPS patch utility (available at emulation sites), a Game Boy emulator, and the Metroid II ROM. NEITHER THE MDb NOR SHAKTOOL WILL SUPPLY THE METROID II ROM OR GAME BOY EMULATOR. A Readme containing instructions for use is included in the zip file.

Super Justin Bailey Auximines 69k .zip
Metroid fan and talented artist Auximines has created this hack which restores the one feature that Super Metroid was missing: the ability to play as Samus without her armor! Download this patch (this is NOT a game ROM) and use it with a SNES emulator to experience Super Metroid in the way you've always wanted to.

You'll need the Super Justin Bailey patch, an IPS patch utility such as SnesTool, a Super NES emulator, and the Super Metroid ROM. NEITHER THE MDb NOR AUXIMINES WILL SUPPLY THE SUPER METROID ROM OR SNES EMULATOR. A Readme containing instructions for use is included in the zip file.

Metroid X RageGames 178k .zip
Rage Games presents Metroid X, an incredible retooling of Metroid created with MetEdit. Not just a simple hack, Metroid X is actually a whole new game using the original Metroid engine and graphics! Brilliant level design that will challenge even the most hardened Metroid veteran, and lots of fun too!

You'll need the Metroid X patch, the UCON IPS patch utility, NESticle (or other NES emu), and the Metroid ROM. NEITHER THE MDb NOR RAGE GAMES WILL SUPPLY THE METROID ROM OR NESTICLE EMULATOR. Instructions for use are in the zip files.
Download UCON (56.5k .zip file)

Please visit Rage Games for more great game hacks!

Utilities Author Size
M2Edit New! Texel 15k .zip
M2Edit is a utility which, very much like MetEdit (see below) will allow one to edit the map data in Metroid 2 for GameBoy. Presently an unfinished project, though it is indeed functional. To be used with an emulator. EMULATOR AND METROID ROM ARE NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE DO NOT ASK THE MDb OR TEXEL FOR THE EMULATOR OR ROM.

MetEdit SnowBro 215k .zip
MetEdit is SnowBro's (aka Kent Hansen) amazing utility which allows you to edit the levels in NES Metroid and create your own 8-bit sequel or remix! To be used with an emulator. EMULATOR AND METROID ROM ARE NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE DO NOT ASK THE MDb OR SNOWBRO FOR THE EMULATOR OR ROM.

Metroid Password Generator SnowBro 178k .zip
This is a program that I've been wanting ever since I started the MDb back in 1996: A password generator for the original Metroid! Choose your parameters such as weapons, location, and more, and the program will give you a password that you can use on NES Metroid which will put you right where you want to be with the weapons you want to use. Another awesome piece of software courtesy of SnowBro.

Metroid Password Checksum Calculator Tapper 16k .zip
Tapper's Metroid Password Checksum Calculator is a utility that essentially lets you edit the last two digits of the Metroid 1 passwords (the checksum) until the password is valid. You can use this in conjunction with SnoBro's Metroid Password Generator to determine what the password actually does. EMULATOR AND METROID ROM ARE NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE DO NOT ASK THE MDb OR TAPPER FOR THE EMULATOR OR ROM.

Metroid Cursors Matthew Mullins 19k .rar
Matthew's Metroid cursors and icons can be used for a variety of purposes, including AIM and desktop themes. They are an excellent addition to any Metroid collection.

Samus Icon Inyari Kimura 4k .gif
Inyari Kimura's animated Samus icon from Super Metroid can be used to customize your AIM profile.

Desktop Stuff Author Size
Wallpapers (640x480)


Psicoso NEW!

Psicoso NEW!
Wallpapers (800x600)

Cliff Reese

Josh Machan


Void Heather

Void Heather

The Dudefather

Gonmon NEW!

Psicoso NEW!

Psicoso NEW!
Wallpapers (1024x768)

Cliff Reese




Westman Portman

Lil Spooky


Gonmon NEW!

Mullmat NEW!

Mullmat NEW!

Psicoso NEW!

Psicoso NEW!

Outerverse NEW!
Wallpapers (1280x1024)

Cliff Reese


Psicoso NEW!

Psicoso NEW!