
Linear exchange graphs available

Posted: Sunday 11th January 2004 by Sam
The linear exchange graphs have been requested quite a lot by the hardcore statistics junkies, so here they are -

Whilst that doesn't look much to the eye, you can specify a limit in days to go back. (Not specifying a limit shows ALL data for the exchange!)

For example;;=30

The advantages to these graphs? Well, they show you REALLY what is happening on a day-to-day basis. My old graphs simply plot a new point whenever I notice that a new registration has been collected. This means that the difference between two points could be a day or a month - and it wouldn't look any different on the graph.

That is resolved with these new graphs.

I will be leaving the old graphs as they are, because a lot of people use them and would not appreciate me changing them! For some exchanges these new graphs look better, and for some they look worse. It's entirely down to you which ones, if any, you use.

Let me know what you think at the usual email

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