
Few more bits of news

Posted: Thursday 8th January 2004 by Sam
For everyone who's anxiously awaiting more RFS dates this could come as a nice piece of news. Firstly, BT will be releasing new RFS dates either tomorrow (Friday) or Monday. Additionaly, they are also trying to find a regular spot in the week to release dates. This is one of the main complaints with the way the RFS dates are handled.

On a more statistical note, many of you have asked me why your duplicate counter is not increased when you knowingly submit registrations multiple times. Well, I found out today :)

If you register via multiple times via the same ISP it does not count as a duplicate. It only countes if you register multiple times via different ISP's. This explains why some batch submissions of hundreds of registrations at a time would not affect the duplicate figure whatsoever.

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