
21CN crash course

Posted: Friday 10th August 2007 by Sam
Have you heard about 21CN but are not really sure what it's all about? If so, you're not alone. We receive quite a lot of email from users confused about how 21CN will affect them and what new products it will bring.

With the national migration to 21CN starting in just a few months, we've put together a crash course on 21CN and what it means to you. The 21CN Overview and 21CN Broadband pages cover the following broad areas:
  • What 21CN is and why BT are doing it
  • How 21CN will affect you
  • The new 21CN broadband products
  • A summary of the national roll-out plan
  • The 21CN network structure
There is also a page devoted to explaining a whole new wave of 21CN related acronyms. We've not gone in to too much technical depth on certain aspects of the roll-out (there's a lot of content as it is!), but we will likely add another page covering the function of MSILs, MSANs, EvoTAMs and other 21CN-specific platforms in the near future.

With the roll-out rapidly accelerating and new information arriving on an almost daily basis, we intend to keep these pages up to date with the latest 21CN developments. Keep in mind also that these pages are a work in progress, so if you have questions about the content or 21CN in general then please send them in.

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