
BT 21st Century Network rollout information

Posted: Thursday 19th October 2006 by Sam
Since BT first announced their 21st Century Network (21CN) over two years ago, many people have been wondering when it is coming and how it will affect them. Well, now that trials are near completion, BT and Ofcom have launched a website designed to provide exactly this information to interested parties.

Switched-on contains information about roughly when each exchange will be switched over to 21CN and also provides a nice FAQ detailing a bit more about 21CN and the reasons behind it.

Naturally, we are mirroring all the 21CN rollout dates on These are available on the exchange pages and via the availability checker. Also, if you've entered your email address to receive updates about your exchange, you'll be informed should this target date ever change. We'll be producing some more resources around 21CN in the near future.

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