
Telewest Broadband provide coverage data

Posted: Friday 28th May 2004 by Sam
Telewest Broadband, whose Blueyonder service provides some 498,000 users with broadband access, have now supplied us with complete coverage data for their services.

The new data provides an accurate representation of not only areas in which Telewest's services are available, but also which ones have Blueyonder available (their broadband service). The availability checker has been updated with the new data already, and the wording has been changed to reflect the fact that it's just Blueyonder availability that is being reported now. The checker should also be significantly faster when running postcode checks now, as it does not have to query any other servers.

I'll be collating the data and producing some maps soon (Sorry for the delay, exams are getting in the way!). Now that I have most of the data for the availability checker stored locally, I plan on upgrading it in the near future. One thing that has been requested very frequently lately is a properly documented interface to the availability checker. Although an interface already exists (which in use by sites such as, I have not yet had time to document it and provide proper examples. This is something I aim to do over the next couple of weeks.

Finally, I'd like to say a big thank you to the web team at Telewest Broadband for providing the data that will make such improvements possible.

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