
Site developments

Posted: Thursday 13th May 2004 by Sam
As some of you may have noticed, I've introduced a couple of new features on the site in the past day or so. Thesse are:

Coverage maps: These maps will be updated regularly and depict the coverage of broadband in the UK.

Exchange capacity tables: Following the upsurge in interest regarding the exchange capacity information, I've added a tabulated page which allows ordering by any of the columns. Amongst other things, this should allow you to see which are fastest (and slowest!) growing areas for ADSL in the UK. You can find the page here.

Finally, a number of people have contacted me to say that they've noticed new registrations appearing on their exchanges yesterday. The reason for this is that BT reopened the FastPRoBE system yesterday afternoon (so as to allow for RFS updates). I suspect that the 844 new registrations recorded are simply those that were left over from the day when the system was closed (namely the ones that my system didn't have a chance to grab before it was closed). Just to reiterate, BT are no longer accepting ADSL pre-registrations.

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