Praise and Comments  
from Seminar Participants
"Emerson's documentation of the profound and pervasive effects of pre- and perinatal trauma, and the treatment techniques that heal those early wounds, provide a new structure for healing the deepest wounds and shifting the pervasive (and stubborn) patterns that traditional treatments have struggled with (usually unsuccessfully) for decades." "There are few opportunities in life to train with a master - and William Emerson is a master clinician and a master teacher. His discovery of the differences in treating shock and trauma is a major breakthrough in psychotherapeutic treatment. His documentation of the profound and pervasive effects of per- and perinatal trauma, and the treatment techniques that heal those early wounds, provide a new structure for healing the deepest wounds and shifting the pervasive (and stubborn) patterns that traditional treatments have struggled with (usually unsuccessfully) for decades. The treatment methods developed and taught at Emerson Training Seminars are the future of emotional healing. Emerson's deep, personal experience in the techniques he has pioneered and now teaches allows him to walk his talk more thoroughly and consistently than any teacher, guru, mentor or visionary I've ever known. He is the work." 
-Terry Larimore, M.S.W.
"By plumbing the mystery of life before language, I have become fascinated with myself again, my soul's travels and bruisings." "Each workshop of Dr. Emerson's that I have attended has resulted in profound change-quantum leaps in my understanding of myself and others, and a deepening of my creativity and spirituality. While the focus of Dr. Emerson's work is one's earliest experiences, his approach is expansive - the information that arises during regressions and other activities is never shoe-horned into a dogmatic structure. Rather, poignant, detailed chapters of one's history are allowed to take shape. By plumbing the mystery of life before language, I have become fascinated with myself again, my soul's travels and bruisings. I have recast my view of my own body: it is a walking Rosetta stone, and the key to authentic memory." 
-A. Kiser
" I have a depth and richness in my relationships with my children and friends that I never would have dreamed possible from my previous vantage point. My work with clients too has become an ever deepening and richer experience."  "I took the workshops for my own personal growth, although the work has also been useful in my work with hypnotherapy clients. The biggest thing has been the transformation in my own personal life. For example, I discovered that I had a great deal of anesthesia when I was born, that I almost died from it, and that it affected my current life in some very powerful ways. I realized that my tendency to space out, daydream, go emotionally numb, and collapse in the face of the least bit of anger were not the only way of being that was possible-although previously it had been the only way of being that I had known. As I contacted my body memory as well as my emotional memory of these experiences I began a journey that has changed my life profoundly-I could say it has been like awakenening from a deep, numbing sleep-but even more it has been reclaiming myself and stepping out of the constant terror I had lived in, the terror of never knowing when I would abandon me, go numb, feel catapulted into a black hole, and lose myself as had been my early prenatal experience. While I had much shame about the way I was in life, the isolation and "differentness" I experienced, my reality and my relationships begin to change. As I continue to mirror my own reality with more empathy and accuracy, I am also able to mirror my children, family, and friends and clients? in new and heartfelt ways. I have a depth and richness in my relationships with my children and friends that I never would have dreamed possible from my previous vantage point. My work with clients too has become an ever deepening and richer experience."  
"William Emerson's blend of training and experiential learning is leading me deeper into myself and helping me to find the direction and passion I have longed for all my life." "As a professional therapist myself, I have sought the best therapists and approaches I could find for my own therapy. Emerson was the first person who correctly and empathically identified that my lack of substantial progress in therapy was due to the profound level of unresolved pre-natal and birth shock I was carrying, and provided the methods and deeply compassionate support for healing it. My work with Emerson has been the necessary complement to my ongoing therapy that has finally elicited the progress and growth I knew I could achieve. My shock levels are now reduced about 85% and I expect to have cleared the rest by the end of the summer. For the first time in my life, I can connect from my heart and know what love is--it goes without saying that this has enormously impacted how I do psychotherapy, and my clients are almost as grateful to Emerson as I am! His blend of training and experiential learning is leading me deeper into my self and helping me to find the direction and passion I have longed for all my life." 
-Claire Winstone, therapist 
"William Emerson is a gifted Master Teacher and his work with infants is not only revolutionary, but imperative!" "Emerson Training Seminars was the most important training I have taken in my 25 year professional life. William Emerson is a gifted Master Teacher and his work with infants is not only revolutionary, but imperative! Learning from him transformed me personally and influenced my professional work at fundamental levels." 
-Marjorie L. Rand, Ph.D.   
International Coordinator of Integrative Body Psychotherapy Institute; Advisory Board Member, Association of Body Psychotherapy; and Co-author of Body, Self and Soul
"The road less traveled takes you through your suffering to the other side and Emerson is a consummate guide on the path." William Emerson is a master teacher and I believe he is the foremost personality theorist of our time....The didactic part of training is intensely juicy and interesting, penetratingly personal to the listener, emotionally provocative, and therefore, spiritual. The road less traveled takes you through your suffering to the other side and Dr. Emerson is a consummate guide on the path. He is so connected inside that he's the only master teacher of his caliber I have ever met who is the same person as a teacher as he is as a friend. There's no 'therapist self' and 'regular self' with Dr. Emerson." 

-Alice Rose, Ph.D.

"Studying with Dr. Emerson has enriched and transformed my life. His landmark work with infants provides profound hope and healing for coming generations. 

-Raymond Castellino, D.C., R.P.P. 
Co-Executive Director of BEBA

"His training has been invaluable to me in helping me learn more about that new world and how to facilitate babies and children in their healing." "When I first saw Dr. Emerson work with a young baby it was like opening a new window to a whole new world of healing and human potential. His training has been invaluable to me in helping me learn more about that new world and how to facilitate babies and children in their healing. I highly recommend his training program to you. We need more of us doing this work." 

-Wendy McCarty, Ph.D., M.F.C.C., R.N.

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