Witty line
Monday, January 17, 2005

Back to school on Wednesday

Winter break has come and gone just as all breaks do but I can't help but think that this one was a bit different than the rest. It wasn't because I worked and earned lots of cash, not because I got blasted every weekend or even because I spent so much time with my girlfriend. What differentiates this break from the others is that I realized who I was and with the help of some good friends, I realized where I was going more importantly where I want to end up. And for that... I'm thankful.

In a few days I'll be back in school but I'm not complaining... I'm actually looking forward to my second to last semester at Binghamton. Part of me wants to get it over with as fast as humanly possible but another part of me wants to enjoy every day and cherish the time I have left in college. Excitement and a sense of the end being just around the corner is something I'm feeling right now. It's strange really. My next entry will be up in Bing... so till then adios~ :)

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I think either the tobacco or rat poison has gone to my brain. I went to the bathroom to pee and I decided to have a cigarette but this time I decided to take off my contacts while I was at it. You might be thinking... he burned himself while he was trying to take off his contacts. No, that would have been the normal thing to do. Instead I take off my right contact and put it into the holder, close the lid. I take a drag of my cigarette and pull out my left contact and throw it into the toilet... I was stupefied. A couple of things are running through my head at this point:
1. SHIT what the FUCK did I just do?!
2. SHIT those are expensive contacts that I have to change every three months and I just started wearing them.
3. SHIT what the FUCK did I just do?!

I quickly reached into my piss and pulled out my contact. Washed it with the disinfectant and put it into the container and I'm still taking puffs of my cigarette while doing this mind you. I didn’t burn myself but I did manage to burn the bathroom towel while putting the contact into the container. No harm done right? Right. I really gotta quit smoking too. :(

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I spent the day walking around the city the other day with my sister. We went out primarily to eat at this Middle Eastern restaurant but it didn't turn out so well because the food was way too heavy for her. I still liked it though. After lunch we went hunting for some bootleg DVDs. We walked through a neighborhood that I have never been to in Queens. It was around 74th St. and Roosevelt and this place was pure Indian/Pakistani. It felt as if I were in a different country all together. We walked up a bit more towards the city and we came across a part of Queens where there were only Latinos Mexicans/Puerto Ricans/Dominicans. The restaurants were all Spanish and the people all spoke Spanish. Still no luck with the DVDs. So we gave up and headed back home to Flushing. We get off the train and go up towards Main St. and decided to take a look in some of the stores there. Hong Kong supermarket, Chinese bakeries and jewelry stores. Still no DVDs. We then gave up and walked home down Union St. passing by Korean restaurants, cell phone stores and grocery stores. Went home DVDs-less. Still, I love this city.

While on my way to pick up my girlfriend at work a woman rolling a baby carriage approached me. I first didn’t know what she was saying because she was talking so low and thought that she had lost her way and needed directions. I kept asking her what she needed and she asked me for some money because she was homeless and her baby needed diapers and food. Surprisingly this was the first time that any homeless person had approached me and asked me for money let alone a woman and her child. To be totally honest, I was a bit shocked. I took a good look at her and glanced down at her carriage. After a good look, I saw that her clothes were dirty and disheveled. I pulled out my wallet and looked through all the money I had. A couple twenties, a ten and a bunch of singles. I reach into the wallet, move the twenties aside, move the ten and reach for the singles. I think I must have had at least 10 singles. I gave her two. I handed the money to her and gave her some bullshit excuse that that was all I had when she saw me scrounging around my other bills. I walked away thinking… what the fuck is wrong with me? I know that I can’t solve her problems with all the money I had in my wallet but I didn’t even give her enough for a decent meal or even diapers for her baby. This shit stuck with me while I bought myself fucking peanuts at the peanut stand, coffee and a doughnut at Dunkin Doughnuts, and while I finally bought my five dollar bootleg DVD. I really considered myself a giving, kindhearted individual who would help out someone that was in trouble but while I was drinking my coffee and eating my doughnut I realized that this was the first time that I’ve ever given to any charity whatsoever. I didn’t give any money for relief efforts for the victims of the tsunami even thought I said that I would. Not a dime. I reexamined myself today and realized that I’m not as giving and kindhearted as I thought I was and that I’m actually a very selfish person when it comes to money. I hate it. Material things like clothes and money are things that I grew up believing were important and because of this and my selfishness for these things, I wasn’t able to give that poor mother money to buy her baby diapers or even a decent meal. I’m not blaming it on society and I totally take the blame. It’s time to let go of these things and do the right thing. I told myself that I wasn’t going to make any resolutions this year but I think I found something. Hopefully if that woman or any person comes up to me needing my help financially or whatnot, I’ll be able to do the best I can to help them out.

Long entry but it was on my mind today and I just felt it was better to put it into writing. :)

Damn it's been a while...

Well I've tried blogging consistently for an extended period of time but obviously it didn't work out very well as you can see from the date of my last post. Anyways a lot has happened since then. 2004 has passed, got into and currently in a relationship with a girl, now that I think about it... not much has really happened at all... besides my girl friend that is. Well it’s a new year but this time around I’ve not to make any resolutions for myself. It isn’t because I don’t want to better myself because I do and I feel that everyone should have some sort of plan for the new year but knowing me, I’ll set goals and as usual fail to reach them. SO in light of all of this, I’m going to set no goals and at the end of the year I will reflect back on the things that I did accomplish. Kind of like the Vince Vaughn philosophy in Dodgeball.

Anyways I’ve never seen this myself but has anyone else ever heard of Japanese porn where the guy takes a shit and pees on the woman? It’s some kind of weird fetish and I have no idea what the name of it is. Now I’m wondering who the hell gets off on that type of shit? (no pun intended) I’ve heard of some sick stuff but I’ve got to say that Japanese people really take the cake when it comes to this sort of stuff. I could imagine a guy sitting on the throne with a porno magazine and put two and two together, got one cracked up hoe from the streets, shat on her and sold it on the corner. What amazes me even more is that people see this and say to themselves... wow this is kinda turning me on! Jerk* jerk* jerk* People these days...

Monday, August 23, 2004
I’m going back to Binghamton on almost a week before classes settle into our new apartment. Have to go hook it up with cable, internet and stock our refrigerator with beer and other necessities. :D My sister came back last night from Korea and I’m happy I got a chance to hang out with her before I have to go back to school on Wednesday. I’m probably going to visit Korea after I graduate from Binghamton next year and from the sounds of things, Seoul is a place to have lots of fun. Definitely looking forward to it...

My friend John came back from Iraq after only two months because he got injured there and I hung out with him a lot while he was here. I’m glad he came back safe to us and I got a chance to see him before I had to leave for school. He left for his base in Virginia on Sunday.

It seems like a lot of people have been going in and out of my life this summer. It’s a good thing they all returned safe and sound. As for me, I’ve been in shitty Flushing the whole summer… hopefully I’ll be the one leaving for other countries next summer :)

Ooh Oh I forgot to mention in my last post that I finally have a plan :D

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