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Recommendations for
Team America: World Police (2004)

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in IMDb
(US only)
Three Kings (1999)Details  Buy the DVDBuy the Video7.4
The President's Analyst (1967)Details  Buy the DVDBuy the Video7.1
Die Another Day (2002)Details  Buy the DVDBuy the Video6.4
Shakespeare in Love (1998)Details  Buy the DVDBuy the Video7.5
Titanic (1997)Details  Buy the DVDBuy the Video6.9
S.W.A.T. (2003)Details  Buy the DVDBuy the Video6.0
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)Details  Buy the DVDBuy the Video7.0
Our Man Flint (1966)Details On TVBuy the DVDBuy the Video6.3
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)Details  Buy the DVDBuy the Video8.6
Shanghai Knights (2003)Details On TVBuy the DVDBuy the Video6.3
Tip: if you want to see if a movie is showing in a cinema near you, click the film roll. (USA only)

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With over 433,000 titles on the IMDb it isn't feasible to handpick Recommendations for every film. That's why we came up with a complex formula to suggest titles that fit along with the selected film and, most importantly, let our trusted user base steer those selections. The formula uses factors such as user votes, genre, title, keywords, and, most importantly, user recommendations themselves to generate an automatic response.

We're proud of our system for, if you disagree with a Recommendation for a given title and know of a better one, we encourage you to help us improve the results. Look for the "Update" button or the "Add a Recommendation" link at the bottom of the page and add more relevant (or just plain more) Keywords, or add the titles that you think should be surfacing, and help make Recommends more useful, more appropriate, and more fun.

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