The Corporation Film: a Film by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott & Joel Bakan

This website, spearheaded by multimedia producer and creative director Katherine Dodds, is intended as a portal for action. i-Corp (the Corporation Interactive) refers to the development of interactive content features on the site, and to an interactive DVD we may produce if we are able to fund its production.

On June 4 - The Corporation had it's US theatrical debut, and Katherine Dodds web producer and creative director, web co-producer Mark Achbar, and technical director and creative cohort Phillip Djwa, launched a prototype of our interactive features: the premiere webisode of - "Biotalk," "Personality Test" - an indexing feature playfully mimicking corporate personality type-casting which provides a custom set of information based on responses to the test questions.

Because the prototyping phase is over, and we have not yet received production funding, these features have been removed from site. Funders, and those wishing to help us develop and fundraise towards production can request a link to the prototype.

Over the six years of its creation, as THE CORPORATION grew in scope, we realized that based on the timely and urgent nature of the film's subject matter, as well as on the communication potential of new media opportunities, we had much more than a film on our hands. We envision i-Corp as creative content for a community of "inter-activists" able to respond online, offline, and even in real-time to the issues raised by the film.

We have used media attention the film has generated to create support for i-Corp and to continue to build an online community. One of the great tragedies of much online content is that it does not have a wide audience. The corporation site offers a built in world-wide audience that is still growing.

If we can succeed in financing production, and in marshalling the significant forces of both the mainstream media in all its forms and the alternative media network, as well as providing a media venue ourselves through an expanded content website, generating interesting interactive pathways through information, producing an interactive web-magazine called DOCBACK and eventually creating a series of issue based interactive DVDs which will link the issues in the film with campaigns and events, we hope to generate both significant dialogue and effective action around the issues raised within THE CORPORATION.

Our goal is to create an online experience that complements and completes the film itself, in order to provide an always current interactive route through the themes, issues and people inside THE CORPORATION.

As we continue to fundraise for the production phase for i-Corp we are continually doing social market research, in order to identify key issues around which to centre multi-media campaigns and also to develop relationships with individuals and organizations who themselves would benefit from partnering with us on issue-based co-promotional campaigns.

In addition we have developed an interface prototype for an iDVD by researching what our audience most wants to see, and how to most effectively link these themes to activist responses.

We seek more financial support for the production phase. If you are a foundation that is interested in supporting this project contact i-Corp producer Katherine Dodds who can supply our US charitable status information (We have a flow through arrangement with BAVC) and a full project proposal.

Development for i-Corp has been financed with the participation of Telefilm Canada New Media, the Yvonne Tasker-Rothenberg and Martin Rothenberg Fund, The Atkinson Foundation, Renewal Partners and Big Picture Media Corporation. Vision Television and The Bay Area Video Coalition are the not-for-profit organizations that have supported our fundraising efforts.

In-kind support has been provided by Good Company Communications Inc., Djwa Strategies and Big Picture Media Corporation.

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