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    Govt accused of short-changing stolen generation

    November 8, 2002 - The Central Australian Stolen Generation and Families Corporation says it wants to know what has happened to $63 million earmarked for members of the stolen generation.

    In a discussion paper, to be released nationally next week, the corporation accuses the Federal Department of Health and some Aboriginal organisations of using the money to top up existing programs.

    The corporation's Harold Furber says in 1997, about $40 million went to the Health Department and about $20 million was given to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission.

    Mr Furber says that money has not been coordinated specifically to help the stolen generation.

    "All these funds ought to have come under the umbrella of the stolen generation people so the healing programs, the counselling program and the link-up program can be all coordinated from the one body," he said.

    "That in a nutshell is the problem."

    Source: ABC


    Stolen Generation funds are going into unrelated projects: Dodson

    Mick Dodson12 November 12, 2002 - The Stolen Generation group say federal funding set aside for healing is going to unrelated programs.

    A report released by Northern Territory groups today calls for a total rethink on the way the money is managed.

    The Government set aside $63 million after the Bringing Them Home report was handed down to be used on services such as counselling.

    But one of the report authors, Mick Dodson, says Aboriginal people are still not being consulted.

    "And I'm certainly a strong believer that those most affected by decisions should have the main say in addressing the way in which the solutions are implemented."





    Further Reading




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    Support Indigenous Queensland workers who have not received wages for which they are entitled
    Support the Stolen Wages campaign. From 1904 to 1987, the Queensland Government withheld or underpaid wages earned by Aboriginal workers; a fraction has been offered as a settlement. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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