Core audiences

Addressing a wide audience

Who benefits?
The benefits of a strong image is felt across all overseas activities. It leads to higher levels of:
  • Government credibility and influence for a more peaceful, equal world
  • International trade
  • Inward investment
  • Inbound tourism
  • Attractiveness to overseas talent
Potential audiences
The potential audiences include:
  • Government ministers, civil servants and decision-makers
  • Influencers such as university lecturers and 'the chattering classes'
  • Business and investors
  • Multipliers such as the media, arts communities, NGOs and educators
  • The general public
Many of these are already the focus for work by specialist bodies. For instance, Invest UK works hard with potential and existing investors and those that influence them.

As Mark Leonard argues in his book, BritainTM, in a wired, democratic and communicating world, the new priority for Britain is the well-informed young. They will grow up to be tomorrow's government ministers, influencers, journalists, educators and business people. They will also travel.

Britain Abroad works with the general public around the world and especially people who are:

  • 18 - 35 years of age
  • Well-informed
  • University (or equivalent) educated
  • In employment
  • Probably living in or around a major city
The difference between Britain Abroad and specialist organisations is that its work involves and benefits all partners as they all have a stake in how the UK is perceived by young people around the world.

Research on the attitudes of young people towards the UK in many of the focus countries is available from the British Council web site.

Britain Abroad ----------------------------------------------------------------- Helping improve perceptions of the UK around the world