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Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

A Bicycle Helmet
for My Child


Summary: Web page version of our pamphlet for parents.

First, A Chuckle

(The pamphlet begins with a cartoon: a father tells his child to put on his helmet before going out, because "that helmet is very important." Thought balloon: It tells people you have responsible parents.)

What you need to know

Does my child really need one?

The simple answer is yes. Laws now require helmets in many areas. That is because medical research shows that a bicycle helmet can prevent 85% of cyclists' head injuries. More than 600 bicycle riders are killed in the U.S. every year, almost all in collisions with cars, and 75% of them die of head injuries. Eighty-five percent of them are not wearing helmets. Many thousands more suffer less severe but still debilitating injuries that are far worse than the physical pain of scraped skin or even broken bones. Your child can suffer permanent personality changes and learning disabilities from a brain injury, and both of you will be aware of what they have lost. Common long-term effects include concentration difficulties, aggressiveness, headaches and balance problems. Imagine your anguish if this happens to your child.

What will it cost?

Helmets sell in bike shops or by mail order from $20 up, or in discount stores for $10 or even less. A good shop helps with fitting, and fit is important for safety. A discount helmet can be equally protective if you take the time to fit it carefully on your child. Helmets are cheap for their benefit, so don't wait for a sale.

Will I have to buy one every year?

No. Heads grow less than legs and feet. Many child helmets come with two or even three sets of foam fitting pads. You can start with thick pads and use the thinner pads as your child's head grows. The fitting pads do not affect the impact protection of the helmet. That is provided by the firmer crushable polystyrene foam (picnic cooler foam).

Will my child actually use it?

Yes, if other children wear one, their parents use one, the teacher at school has told them how much good helmets do, and the child has picked out the one they really want. No, if the helmet makes your child feel like a geek, nobody else uses one and it does not fit well. Perhaps yes if you have the will to enforce the rule. Most situations fall somewhere in between, and you know your child best. Seventh grade seems to be the most resisting age for helmets, when the feeling of invincibility is strong and the rage for fashion is undeniable. The key motivator of helmet use for kids is fashion, not safety. Try to make use of that.

Does My Toddler Need a Helmet?

A child of any age needs head protection when riding, but a toddler's neck may not support the weight of a helmet. For this and other reasons, nobody in the injury prevention community recommends riding with a child under one year old. If in doubt, take child and helmet to a pediatrician for advice. Child helmets need ventilation in hot weather, since the foam holds heat in. Toddler heads vary in shape, so pay careful attention to fit. The helmet should sit level on the child's head, and fit securely with the strap fastened.

What about standards?

Helmets for sale in the U.S. must meet the US Consumer Product Safety Commission standard and state that on a sticker inside. Outside the US you should be careful to look for a standards sticker that you recognize like the CEN standards in Europe or the AUS standard in Australia. Fit is not tested by any of the standards, so try the helmet on your child's head.

Which one should I buy?

There are many good helmets on the market. Consumer Reports had an article in June of 2006 rating nine kids' helmets, with the Specialized Air Wave Mega as a Best Buy. You can read the report free on their Web site or read it at your library. But in fact you can choose based on how well a helmet fits your child and the one your child likes. And the price, of course!

How to Buy

Pick up a helmet with a smooth shell in a bright color. Check for a pinch-proof buckle. Put it on your child, adjust the straps and pads or the inner one-size-fits-all ring, and then make sure it will not come off.

When to Replace a Helmet?

Replace any helmet if your child crashes in it. Impact crushes some of the foam. The helmet is less protective although the damage may not be readily visible. Helmets soften impact, so the child may not even be aware that their head hit until you examine the helmet for damage. Replace the buckle if it cracks or if any piece of it breaks off. Nobody prompts you to replace your child's helmet, so give it some thought.

Bike Helmets for Other Sports?

The ASTM standard for biking and inline skating is identical, so a bike helmet is fine for normal inline skating. There is no standard for tricycle or scooter helmets, but bicycle helmets should work well for them. Aggressive extreme trick skating and skateboard helmets have a different ASTM standard, for multiple hits but lesser impacts. Most bike helmets are not made for that, although a few of them are. Some are certified to Snell's N-94 multi-purpose standard, listed on Snell's Web site at www.smf.org. Skate helmets may not meet bike helmet requirements unless they have a CPSC sticker inside. Helmets for equestrian sports also have a unique design to resist a hoof.

Warning: No Helmets on Playgrounds!

In 1999 the first US death involving a bike helmet catching on playground equipment occurred. There have been other near misses. Be sure to teach your children to remove their helmets before using playground equipment or climbing trees!

The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

BHSI is the helmet advocacy program of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association. Our volunteers provide helmet information and work on the ASTM national helmet standard committee. In 1983 we published in Bicycling Magazine the first bicycle helmet article including actual lab test results (based on testing done for us by the Snell Foundation). We are funded by small consumer donations of about $11,000 a year. We do not accept funding from manufacturers or anyone involved in helmet sales.

BHSI is located at 4611 Seventh Street South, Arlington, VA 22204-1419, tel. 703-486-0100. Our Web server where you found this page is at www.helmets.org. Our email address is info@helmets.org.

Our parent organization (WABA) is a local non-profit founded in 1972 to improve bicycling conditions in the Washington, DC area and encourage the use of bicycles for transportation. BHSI is an outgrowth of the WABA Helmet Committee, whose members began ride testing helmets in 1974. WABA has a Web page at www.waba.org.

This pamphlet was produced with donations from those who read it earlier. We welcome your tax-deductible donation to make it available to the next rider or parent who will need it. Checks can be made payable to WABA/BHSI. Thanks!

Copyright 2006 by the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
A program of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association

Links to this page are encouraged. We update frequently, so if you put this page on your own server it will be quickly outdated!

This pamphlet is also available as a Word file, formatted for both sides of a single letter-sized sheet of paper. And we have it as a .pdf file. You can print it out in Word or another word processor and photocopy it for non-profit use. The file name is CHILDPAM.DOC It was originally formatted for an HP Laserjet 4000 at 1200x1200 dpi. If it refuses to format correctly for your printer, contact us at info@helmets.org or the postal mail address above and give us the postal mailing address where we can send you a paper copy to reproduce. We can't mail it to your email address!

Reproduction of this pamphlet for non-profit use is encouraged.

This page was last revised on: January 1, 2008.

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