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Toddler & Preschooler


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    My son who turns 5 next year and will go to kindergarten, still wears diapers. How can I make him potty trained?

    He turns 4 in two months and doesn’t have any disability, he’s just scared he’ll fall on the toilet. 

    My husband and I did whatever we can to get him off the diapers and start using the toilet like everyone else. The school district told em next year he’ll be up for kindergarten but will they still accept kids who aren’t toilet trained? If not, what can I do because I’m out of options here. 

    5 Answers1 week ago
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    Is it true saying “no” to a child with autism is wrong?

    I recently met up with an old friend I went to high school with, we haven’t talked in years. I have a daughter and she has a son with autism close in age, I invited her and her son to come over for a while so the kids could meet, she asked me if I could put away any electronic toys that have moving parts because her son gets very excited about them and will want to keep them, she told me she can never say no to him, so if he has a fit about something she will automatically make sure he gets it. To me this seems overboard and inappropriate to give him any toy he asks for because she can’t say no, especially to the extent that she has to ask me to hide my daughters toys, I don’t have any experience with autism but I just can’t imagine anyone living this way, it seems so unnecessary. Is it not possible to discipline a child with autism for having a tantrum for not getting their way? 

    8 Answers3 weeks ago
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    My toddler chewing and tearing his clothes with his teeth ?

    Can anyone tell me or know why my 3 year old is doing this? I thought maybe autism  but I got him checked and the 2 different doctor says he has no sign if autism and his been doing this at 2 all his shirts are like this please help

    5 Answers4 weeks ago
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    My daughter has a fear of going to the bathroom with our babysitter ?

    My daughter is 4, she is fully potty trained she just has a hard time getting on and off the seat when she goes to the bathroom and we always double check when she’s done to make sure she’s wiped correctly. 

     During the weekdays we have a babysitter who is a family/friend that watches our daughters. She is young and we know her very well. 

      My daughter expressed fear of going to the bathroom with our babysitter and claims she’s only comfortable when I take her to the bathroom. How do I help her get over this fear. The problem is in all reality I’m not always going to be there to take her to the bathroom every time. 


    9 Answers4 weeks ago
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    How do I explain this to my 7 year old God daughter ?

    I call her my baby and she says but I'm not a baby.  I've tried to explain it to her but I don't think I'm explaining it right. Her parents don't mind me calling her my baby and are comfortable with it . I am having difficulty explaining it to her so see understands.  

    8 Answers1 month ago
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    Is a 22-year-old man too old to start college?

    Another question: is a 22-year-old guy too young or old?

    13 Answers1 month ago
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    Are toddlers supposed to care when their siblings hurt themselves?

    My 8 month old was trying to stand on the couch and had a tumble which resulted in her screaming. My 3 year old  didn’t seem all that interested and showed zero concern. Normal?

    9 Answers1 month ago
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    3 year old I babysit wakes up to piss soaked pull-up. Is this neglect on the parents part? ?

    This happens 9 times out of ten everyday That I babysit. The parents leave for work in the morning and when the kid wakes up the pull-up is saturated in pee and a lot of times poop to where the pull up is soaked and discolored from poop. They lay the child down everynight with a sippie cup too. Today as I was taking the pull up off it was so drenched that the pee was splashing me even as I gently pulled the pull-up off. It’s nasty.... 

    8 Answers1 month ago
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    Is this normal?

    My son is turning two next month. The only words he says are "doggy" "kitty" "mama" and today he learned how to say "bye" I read somewhere that your almost two year old should be able to say LOTS of words by now and my son only says a couple words. Is this normal?

    7 Answers1 month ago
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    Spoiled vs. Spoiled Brat?

    A while ago, I threw a tantrum because I didn’t get the Pokémon card I wanted. Obviously I know I was deeply in the wrong. But, would I simply be a spoiled kid, or a spoiled brat? 

    5 Answers1 month ago
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    Who’s worst as toddlers? Boys or girls?

    I’m gonna have to say boys! My nephews were so disobedient. You told them not to do something it went in one ear out the other. When I was a toddler I listened to my mama

    5 Answers1 month ago
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    How do i deal with my girlfriends 4 year old son?

    Me and my girlfriend have been daying for around a year, we recently moved in together and things have been hard for me living with her son. He is 4 and seems to have very bad behavior issues. Every moring he wakes up at 730am and wont stop shouting from his room til someone walks up and turns his tv on. Every night he crys and screams about going to bed. He stomps his feet and screams when ever he doesnt get his way. We live in a upstairs appartment and the neighbors complain often about how loud he is. He is defiant about literally everything me or his moms ask him to do(get ready for bed, brush teeth, sit down for dinner ect) he makes a scene every time we are at the grocery store or out to dinner. His dad isnt around so i try and be there as much as possible and he loves to spend time with me but he doesn’t respect me at all. He doesnt listen to me or his mother and we are both have had it with him. I dont know if i can take it much longer im stressed all the time lately what should we do to fix his behavior?

    10 Answers1 month ago
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    My toddler runs away from me in the store and won't listen to me. What can I do!?!?!?

    My son is turning two next month. I can't even take him to the store without him running away from me. He runs away from me and when I yell at him to stop, he won't he'll just look at me and laugh and then continue to run. I could spank him, yell at him, anything but he won't listen to me. He thinks it's funny. If I put him in the cart he'll just throw the things out of the cart. It's incredibly embarrassing when he runs away from me and doesn't listen to me because other people just look at me like I don't have control over my kid and probably think I'm a bad mom. People also laugh like it's cute that he's running away from me when I'm frustrated and getting mad that he won't listen to me. I'm a single mom so sometimes I don't have the option to have someone watch him when I go to the store. I also want him to be behaved so I can take him places and be able to take my son to the store without having him disobey me. How can I control him? nothing works.

    14 Answers2 months ago
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    My almost two year old does NOT listen to me whatsoever.. What can I do?!?!?!?!?

    My son does NOT listen to me. No matter how stern I am, no matter if I raise my voice at him or try slapping his hand (Lightly) he will NOT listen to me. He thinks it's funny when I try disciplining him. He'll laugh when I tell him no and if I try telling him to stop. He recently started throwing his toys at me like his blocks and when I tell him to stop he laughs. It works when I put his toys up high so he can't reach it but then he'll just get another toy and throw that it at me. I would have to put away all his toys in order for him to stop throwing them at me. 

    I can't even take him to the store with me. He'll run off and think it's funny when I chase him. Then I try putting him in the cart and he just throws the items out of the cart. He will NOT listen to me. Doesn't matter how stern, if I raise my eyebrows, if I get to his level..NOTHING works. He thinks it's a game when he runs away from me and I chase after him. He thinks I'm playing with him. I'm sick of him not listening to me and I don't want him to grow up thinking he can do whatever he wants and not have to listen to me.

    What can I do about him not listening to me in the store and hitting me with his toys at home??? I don't want to not just bring him to the store because of his behavior. I want him to be able to listen to me and not misbehave.

    Thank you.

    6 Answers2 months ago
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    Which is worse?

    An 18 year old dating a 15 year old or a 30 year old dating an 18 year old?

    7 Answers2 months ago
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    Can you tell what kind of child your baby/toddler will become?

    My toddler likes being rough, he will body slam you if you're laying on the floor or bed. If you're standing he will run into you trying to line drive you. He near knocks us to the floor when he does that. He loves to get extremely dirty and climb everything. He saw his grandpa working on the roof so he climbed the ladder to be with him.

    He loves to color and look at drawings.

    I think he will love sports as he gets older and have his mother's art skills.

    6 Answers2 months ago
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    Flying with a 3 year old... face mask is a federal law.. would they be too strict.. I don’t think my son will have it on at all times....?

    Favorite Answer:

    Children that young should be exempt. (Although duct taping their mouths shut in a plane ought to be a law)

    Joking aside, if it’s really necessary?  I’ve seen some kids with cartoon related masks.  Or if I was the super crafty dad, I would make a mask the kid would want to wear: adding a thin filter to a Batman or Spider-Man Halloween mask.  Make a game of it.

    4 Answers2 months ago
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    Whats the Best way to wean baby off the pacifier?

    My baby is turning 1 in 2 more days i want to taake him off the pacifier to prevent any dental  and speech delay problems but i am unsure of the best way to do so. He doesn't  need it throughout  the day. I have managed to keep  bom off of it. I hide them. But at night he cant fall asleep without one. And he keeps it on the rest of the night. If it falls off he touches around him and puts it back on in his sleep if he cant find it he wakes up and ill put it on his mouth and back to sleep he goes. What is the best way to get him  to wean off?

    7 Answers2 months ago
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    What can I do with my son during the wedding? Serious answers only. ?

    My son is almost 2 and my sister is getting married soon. I’m a bridesmaid and my son is her ring bearer. He’s a mommy’s boy so I know after he walks down the aisle and sees me standing up there with the other bridesmaids that he’ll want to be up there with me and want me to hold him. He doesn’t sit still very good so even if he’s sitting with someone I doubt he’ll behave and sit there quietly through the ceremony. I just don’t want him to scream because someone is trying to keep him still on their lap and have him ruin the ceremony. Should I hire someone to take him to a different room after he walks down the aisle and play with him during the rest of the ceremony? I don’t want him to disrupt the ceremony and ruin my sisters big day. I want him to be in the wedding and so does my sister so having someone babysit him the whole entire wedding would absolutely be my last choice. 

    10 Answers2 months ago