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Just found out my boyfriend has been cheating on me and I'm pregnant, What do I do?

I am all alone in this city, no parents, nobody to help me. I need him to be there for my pregnancy, I am already suffering from depression and now this just destroyed me. I need advice, I need help. Do I leave the relationship now, or do I wait until the pregnancy is over? what do I do :(

16 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    GIRL FILE CHILD SUPPORT BECAUSE HIS DUMB CHEATING A** NEEDS TO HELP YOU RAISE THAT BABY HE HELPED MAKE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!! IT'S PART OF HIS RESPONSIBILITY! I would leave him if I were you. After the baby is born, he'll still be out there with girls while you stay home to take care of the baby.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Ok you need to leave him now, kick him out and never speak to him again! Imagine what he will do when you have had the baby and are staying home to take care of the baby! Yup he will be out there $hagg!ng about because once a cheat always ALWAYS a cheat. He doesn’t care about you or baby. He needs gone today! 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Get a new man,      Leave him..

    Your stupid to stay with him.

    Once a cheater is always a cheater..

  • 2 weeks ago

    Go to a crisis pregnancy center. They can help you and will give you options and support without killing your baby. Do you have any family you can go to anywhere? Finding them and seeking help is worth it, even if it means moving and leaving a job. A support network is so important when you are a mother. A Crisis pregnancy center will hopefully do all they can to get it all figured out. One step at a time. It doesn’t sound like your boyfriend is reliable so I wouldn’t count on him, but be open to the thought of him deciding to be a man and take care of his family. It may take him some time but unfortunately since you aren’t married your first priority is the well being of you and your baby.

  • 2 weeks ago

    How old are you? I personally think abortion is horrible...but we all have our own ideas. absolutely leave the relationship!!!! if your parents know about the baby, ask them for help. Maybe your mom can sympasize.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Cheat on him to even the score 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    What do you want help with? I don't see what you mean.

  • 3 weeks ago

    How far along are you? If you can still get an abortion, that might be best. He's not going to be there for you for the next 18 years to raise a child.

    You have three choices: abortion, adoption, or raise the baby - probably alone. It's your choice. Some counseling might help. The local abortion provider can give you the names of counselors who will help you consider all three choices.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    I'm so sorry to hear of this, Melissa. If he treats you this way when you are pregnant with his child, how will he be when you are stuck at home with a baby? I strongly suggest that you take him for as much as you can and go to your parents.

    I wish you well. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    Are you sure the baby is yours? since he was cheating and all

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