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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 1 day ago

Why do people still believe the myth that pit bills are dangerous? ?

Pitt bulls are more dangerous than any other dogs. They only attack when they have been raised incorrectly. Unfortunately, many Pitt bulls have been abused and trained to fight. My family owns 2 Pitts and they have never harm any of us even once. 

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 hours ago

    It's not a myth when you look at the big picture instead of individual dogs.  Statistically speaking you're most likely to be bitten by a retriever type dog but they rarely do serious damage because they've been bred for centuries to have a "soft mouth" for retrieving fowl.  Pit bull type dogs are responsible for the most human deaths, not to mention serious injuries.  They have powerful jaws and necks.  The terrier part of their lineage means that once they get their teeth in and start worrying they don't let go. It's not "just" how they're raised, though obviously that's a large part of it, but a pit bull that goes rogue is going to do a lot more damage than, say, a spaniel, even though some breeds of spaniel are known to be unstable go into a frenzy.

  • 14 hours ago

    It is not a myth.  Pit bulls are the number one dog responsible for more human deaths than any other breed.  Not saying all pit bulls are dangerous but the majority of them do have temperament problems.  Only BYBers breed them so they are chalked full of negative traits, genetic issues, temperament problems, physical problems.  There is no uniform standards for this dog, so they range in size from the regular normal weights to outlandish bulked out mutts.  No reputable registry will register them, just the junk registries. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    24 hours ago

    Pits need a leader, and if you can raise one to be human, AND dog friendly, then you are doing it right.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    "My family owns 2 Pitts and they have never harm any of us even once."

    Your logic is that because the two dogs you own haven't caused any damage yet that all dogs aren't dangerous?

    When they asked you to stand in line for "brains" you thought they said "trains" so you skipped yours. 

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  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    You ask "why do people still believe the myth that pit BILLS are dangerous" and follow up with "PITT bulls are more dangerous than any other dogs."  Are you arguing for or against?

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Pitbulls get shot

    Watch the body drop

    Like the covid spot

    Pits can kill whatever they got in the jaw

    Like the Jesuits killing who ever they want

    Pit bull and a Jesuit whats the difference? 

  • 1 day ago

    Pit bulls were bred to be dog aggressive.

    TEMPERAMENT IS GENETIC.  It is NOT "all in how you raise them"

    They are TERRIERS.   Terriers have a strong prey drive.   These dogs often attack small children when their prey drive is triggered.   Running, fast movements and high pitched sounds that children make can easily trigger prey drive

    Ignoring a FACT, and not taking the precautions when keeping a large, high drive and stubborn terrier IS dangerous.

  • 1 day ago

    TRUE and correctly bred American Pit Bull Terriers are suppose to be animal aggressive but very people friendly because of their GENETICS.  A  TRUE Pit is NOT taught how to fight.  Either they have it in their genetics to fight or they don't.  You can NOT make them fight, so therefore they are not trained to fight!  Don't you know that it's a myth that a dog doesn't always behave the way it does because of how it's raised and trained?  While it's true that poorly bred dogs can have fear and bite out of fear to defend themselves, that still almost always boils down to their GENES/genetics and you can NOT change the genes a dog is born with.  Some behavior's can be modified and changed slightly, but a dog that can't be trusted just can't ever be 100% trusted.

    Some "Pit Bulls" ARE dangerous and some are not, just like with ANY dog regardless of it's breed or mix.  

    Better do some research before you start shoving your "myth" crap down everyone's throats just because YOU own 2 Pits and they have never harmed you and your family members.  You are just one owner, so you can only speak for yourself and your own 2 Pits not about the other billions of Pits on this planet.

    Pit (with one t)

  • Jesus
    Lv 5
    1 day ago

    Pit bulls have teeth teeth are for biting. Any animal that has teeth will sooner or later bite.

    A pitbull is immensely powerful. If it bites you you're going to require lots and lots of stitches if you live through it

  • Because people suck

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