EU top official expected in Argentina to bolster Mercosur/EU trade negotiations

 Ms Mogherini is expected next Wednesday in Buenos Aires; following a meeting with her peer Susana Malcorra, the EU official will be received by president Macri Ms Mogherini is expected next Wednesday in Buenos Aires; following a meeting with her peer Susana Malcorra, the EU official will be received by president Macri

Argentine president Mauricio Macri is scheduled to receive in a week's time the European Union head of foreign affairs, Federica Mogherini who is expected to announce that all is ready to begin, next April, formal negotiations for the long-delayed trade and cooperation agreement between Mercosur and the EU.

UN watchdog blasts Ban Ki-moon blessing of Syria and Venezuela as C24 members

´I commend the leadership of all those committed to bringing new energy to (the Decolonization Committee) its work,¡ said Mr. Ban.“I commend the leadership of all those committed to bringing new energy to (the Decolonization Committee) its work,” said Mr. Ban.

A UN watchdog group criticized Ban Ki-moon for his blessings to the UN committee charged with “decolonizing” among others, the Falkland Islands and Gibraltar, at the same time as the 24-nation group elected mass murdering Syria and human rights abusing Venezuela to leadership posts.

Macri in an hour long speech blasts his predecessor and in the other half tries to inject optimism

In an hour long speech, Macri renewed his campaign slogans and government plans to reduce poverty, fight against drug-trafficking and bring Argentines together.In an hour long speech, Macri renewed his campaign slogans and government plans to reduce poverty, fight against drug-trafficking and bring Argentines together.

In a one hour speech before the Argentine congress, president Mauricio Macri spent half the time describing the country he received and in the other half made some announcements, but above all tried to transmit optimism, willingness to overcome, and insisted in the three pillars of his electoral pledge, eliminating poverty, combating drug-traffi...

Falklands soil and pebbles were received by the Pope from Argentine governor

The official picture of the Argentine delegation headed by President Macri and ministers with Pope Francis in the Vatican . Gov Bertone on the left.The official picture of the Argentine delegation headed by President Macri and ministers with Pope Francis in the Vatican . Gov Bertone on the left.

Soil and pebbles from the Falkland Islands together with letters from Tierra del Fuego residents were received by Pope Francis during the recent visit of an Argentine delegation that included president Mauricio Macri, several ministers and three governors, one of them, Ms. Rosana Bertone from the most austral of Argentine provinces.


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