
New Just Cause 3 screenshots released

Square Enix has sent over a fresh batch of Just Cause 3 screenshots.

Set for release in 2015 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC, the open-world action sequel sees returning protagonist Rico Rodriguez battling an evil dictatorship in his home country, the fictional Mediterranean island nation of Medici.

Rico's best friends are a grapple mechanic that allows him to hook onto nearly any object, and a new wing suit that lets him free fall at extreme speed.

The title reportedly features a 400 square mile map covering three main areas, each of which will be explorable from the start. Rico can take command of Medici's towns and use them to fast travel, hideout or save vehicles that can be called in as supply drops.


Just Cause 3 won't have multiplayer at launch

Avalanche says it may consider adding an online component later
